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"Was it absolutely necessary for us to come here?" Luke whines, side-stepping another fallen table.

"We needed someplace quiet and deserted," I reply, turning the flashlight so it would light up the trashed hallway in front of them.

Luke, Michael, Calum, and I were currently in the deserted hotel behind my house. In less than ten minutes, it would be exactly one year since Clary Aiden's death.

Clary Aiden, my girlfriend, was seventeen when she was pushed off a fourth story balcony. No on knew what exactly had happened, except for that it happened at a college party and she was drunk.

I had been stuck at home with the flu that night. I didn't find out about her death until the next morning.  The boys say that there were many days that I'd show up at one of their houses, drunk and depressed.

Finally, mum and the other three of made my see a therapist. It helped me realize it wasn't my fault.


"Here's the room," I say, pointing the flashlight at a door-less room. A shattered window in the wall opposite the entrance lets a light breeze in and the crumbling walls were covered in graffiti and yellow stains.

We follow Calum to the middle of the room, copying his lead and kneeling on the ground. As soon as we're all on the ground, I pull out my phone and start up Kik. Opening the chat with Clary, I suck in an audible breath as we waits.

"How much longer?" Michael asks, swatting away another spider.

"Twenty-four seconds," Calum replies. 

I start typing. I want it to happen at the exact time of her death.






I hit send as soon as Calum gets to one, sighing. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I finally relaxes.

Then, the unthinkable happens.

The status of the message turns to 'read' and 'Clary is typing' pops up at the top. After a couple moments, I get a new message on the chat.



a/n: i know this is really badly written but i promise the nest few will be better. in the next one, the real scary shit starts :)

thanks for reading!

~lazaruseffect xx

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