Chapter 15

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I woke up alone in the car, I sighed and sat up, I grabbed Coco and sat still, waiting.

Once they got into the car, I stared at them, then hit Dean's shoulder. Dean pulled out a Crunch bar, I smiled and grabbed it, opening it, and taking a bite, bouncing. Dean and Sam smiled a little,
Sam said" Cheater."
Dean said" It's not cheating, it's observing the kid."
" And giving said kid a chocolate bar to get out of being pouted at."
" Mmhm, a Crunch Bar, his favorite chocolate bar for the past couple months, pay attention."

We were at a bar, I still don't know how they get me into places like this, but I guess Dean has his ways.
Sam said" So, the local police have now ruled out foul play. Apparently there were signs of a struggle."
Dean said" They could be right- could just be a kidnapping. Maybe this isn't our kind of gig."
" Yeah, maybe not. Except for this." I laid my head on the table," Dad marked the area, Dean, possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker."
" Why would he even do that?"
" Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night, grabs people, then vanishes. He found this, too. This county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state."
" This is weird."
" Yeah."
" Don't phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds? Jenkins was taken from a parking lot."
" Well, there are all kinds, Springheeled Jacks, Phantom Gassers. They take people anywhere, anytime. Look, Dean, I don't know if this is our kind of gig, either."
" Yeah, you're right. We should ask around more tomorrow."
" Right. I saw a motel about 5 miles back."
" Whoa, whoa. Easy. Let's have another round."
" We should get an early start. And River's already falling asleep."
" You really know how to have fun, don't you, grandma? All right. I'll meet you outside. I got to take a leak. Take bub with you." Sam lifted me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder.

We walked outside, Sam stopped, I heard a weird noise, Sam put me down then crouched under a car, a cat meowed, he screamed. Then chuckled as he stood up, he looked at me, I rubbed my eyes.
He said" It's okay, we're gonna be in a bed soon, I promise." He lifted me up, then we were hit from behind, Sam dropped me, I hit the ground. I turned around and saw men? What? Then they hit me with something, I blacked out.
I woke up, tied to a chair, I whimpered and looked around, blinking slowly. Sam? Where's Sammy?! I gulped, then a girl walked in, she had a knife with her, I gulped harder.
She said" Daddy says I can keep ya!" I squinted my eyes... they're just humans?! I started squirming around, till she held the knife to my neck, I whimpered. I want Dean and Sam! Where am I? Where's Sam?! I glared at her, she tilted the knife on my neck, I yelped as it scratched me. I started crying," We can friends... forever!" I put my head down, Dean will find us, I know he will... I just gotta not get dead by crazy people. That's not the worst thing I've done or seen.

I've tried to count how long I've been here but the girl is singing weird songs circling me and holding a knife to my throat when I struggle and squirm. Then I heard a very loud scream, that's not Sam's scream, okay... that's good, I think. Well, not good for the person screaming, they're probably dead.
It's morning, I didn't sleep, it's too dangerous to sleep and I'm scared. I was staring at the ground. I heard a knock on the door, I lifted my head up, the girl walked to the door and opened it.
I heard a woman say" Hi. Who are you?" The girl closed the door, I closed my eyes, maybe I could hear better.
The girl said" Who are you?"
" I'm, uh, I'm Kathleen. I'm a deputy. What's your name?"
" Missy."
" Missy. That's a pretty name. Missy, is your mom home?"
" She's dead."
" I'm sorry. What about your dad? No? Can I come in for a minute?" I started grunting, they tied a clothe around my mouth. I screamed as loud as I could," I just want you to look at a picture. Have you seen that guy? Look at that picture. What?"
" That's gonna hurt." Then I heard metal hit something, I dropped my head.
I heard the old man say" Missy, sweetheart. Go tell your brothers I want to see them."
" Yes, daddy." I whimpered, Dean had to have been with her, so he has to be around somewhere.

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