Chapter 22

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Dean said" Where is he?" Sam looked at Dean, I looked at them, Meg must have answered the phone. He closed his phone," They've got dad."
Sam said" Meg? What'd she say?"
" I just told you, Sammy. Okay. Okay." He grabbed the colt, and put it in his jeans,
" What are you doing, Dean?"
" We got to go."
" Why?"
" Because they know we're in Salvation. All right, it knows we've got the colt. It's got dad. It's probably coming for us next."
" Good. We've still got three bullets left. Let it come."
" Listen, tough guy, we're not ready. Okay? We don't know how many of them are out there. We're no good to anybody dead. We're leaving... now."

Dean was driving fast,
Sam said" I'm telling you, Dean, we could've taken him."
Dean said" What we need is a plan. They're probably keeping dad alive. We've got to figure out where. They're gonna want to trade him for the gun. What?"
" Dean, if that were true, why didn't Meg mention a trade? Dad, he might be-"
" Don't!"
" I don't want to believe it any more than you, but if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the colt. We can still finish the job."
" Screw the job, Sam!"
" Dean, I'm just trying to do what he would want. He would want us to keep going."
" Would you quit talking about him like he's dead already? Listen to me. Everything stops until we get him back. You understand me? Everything."
" So, how do we find him?"
" Maybe we go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where he was taken."
" Come on, Dean, you really think these demons are gonna leave a trail?"
" You're right. We need help." I really need to tell them, but what if Meg finds out and she kills my brothers! I can't let that happen! But I really need to tell them! But then they'll be mad at me for lying! I'm so confused...

I have to tell them, they can protect themselves, right? They're big and they can protect me too. I gulped, then reached up, tugging at Sam's jacket, he looked back at me. I grabbed his arm, M-E-G K-I-N-A-P-E-D M-E. I looked at him as he squinted his eyes then stared at me, his mouth opened a little.
He said" Meg... K-I-N-A-P-E-D... Kidnapped? Me... River?"
Dean said" What?"
" Uh... River, did Meg kidnap you when you were away from us?" I started crying,
" What?! River, what the hell..." I looked at him, covering my face, whimpering," It's okay, we'll talk about this later, are you okay? Did she hurt you?" Sam reached back, to lift me up to him, I yelped as he touched my side. He let go of me, I lifted up my shirt, Dean's face changed, he glared at the bruised area. He faced the road, driving faster, Sam reached under my armpits and lifted me up that way, I cuddled into his side instantly.
" Let me see, Riv." I shook my head quickly," Come on, buddy, let Sammy see the hurt spot." I calmed down, lifting my shirt again, he gently touched it, I whined and scooted as far as I could get. He moved his hand away from me," I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's okay." Dean grumbled something I couldn't hear, but I think Sam heard it because he looked at Dean." Hey, Riv, how about you get some sleep, okay? That sound good?" I nodded my head, then cuddled into him, he wrapped an arm around me, I fell asleep.
We were at a friend's, his name was Bobby, I was standing next to Sam.
Bobby said" Here you go."
Deans aid" What is it- Holy water?"
" That one is. This is whiskey."
" Bobby, thanks. Thank for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure if we should come."
" Nonsense. Your daddy needs help."
" Yeah, but last time we saw you, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. You cocked the shotgun and everything."
" Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people."
" Yeah, I guess he does."
" None of that matters now. All that matters is that you get him back."
Sam said" Bobby, this book. I've never seen anything like it."
" Key of Solomon? It's the real deal, all right."
" And these protective circles- they really work?"
" Hell yeah. You get a demon in one, they're trapped. Powerless. It's like a satanic roach motel."
Dean said" The man knows his stuff."
" I'll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you boys stepped in."
Sam said" Oh, yeah? How's that?"
" Normal year, I hear, say, three demonic possessions, maybe four, tops. This year, I heard of 27 so far. You get what I'm saying? More and more demons are walking among us- a lot more."
" Do you know why?"
" No, but I know it's something big. The storm's coming, and you boys, your daddy- you are smack in the middle of it." The doggy outside started barking," Rumsfeld." He walked to the window," What is it? Something's wrong." Then Meg busted in, I hid behind Sammy, whimpering.
She said" No more crap, okay?" Dean went to her, she slung him into the wall, Sam got in front of Bobby, leaving me behind the desk." I want the colt, Sam- the real colt- right now." Bobby grabbed my arms and we started moving,
Sam said" We don't have it on us. We buried it."
" Didn't I say no more crap? I swear- after everything I heard about you Winchesters, I've got to tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed. First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then he leaves the real gun with you two chuckleheads. Lackluster, men. I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?"
Dean said" Actually, we were counting on it." He looked up, she did too, and saw the trap." Gotcha."

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