Chapter 10

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Sam said" No, dad was in California last we heard from him. We just thought if he comes to you for munitions, maybe you've seen him in the last few weeks. Just call us if you hear anything. Thanks."
Dean said" Caleb hasn't heard from him?"
" Nope. Neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim."
" What about the journal? Any leads in there?"
" No. Same last time I looked. Nothing I can make out. I love the guy, but I swear he writes like freakin' Yoda." I got bored listening to their talking, I started bouncing around, humming Little Einsteins. I liked Little Einsteins, they were fun, and I liked fun.

I was lifted up, I snapped out of my own world and looked at who grabbed me. It was Dean,
He said" We're about to hit the round to Illinois, I'm gonna put your hair up, okay?" I nodded my head, he sat me in the sink and pulled my hair back, tying it up, but leaving a few strands out of the tie.
They climbed over the fence to the asylum, Sam said it was where they put sick people, but sick in the head people. I had to stay in the car because they didn't think of a way to get me over the fence, I don't like being away from them, I wanna be with them. I'm scared when I'm alone, it's scary for me. Dad says I shouldn't be scared, that I have to be brave, or I'll be killed like mommy. Then I cry... and he gets mad at me for crying. I'm happy when I'm with Dean, he takes care of me, dad never really did... I'm a burden. I think I know what that means, but I'm not really sure.

They came out, and got into the car, I leaned up and stretched my arms out,
Dean said" Bud, just stay back there, all right?" I huffed and made grabby hands," Fine, fine." Sam grabbed my sides and pulled me up, sitting me between him and Dean. I snuggled up to Dean's side instantly, laying my head under his armpit." If you suffocate under there, it's not my fault." I smiled, giggling,
Sam said" Gross." He chuckled, smiling at me," But I think River just likes gross things, huh?" I nodded my head quickly,
" Oh, totally, kid is weird."

We were waiting on Sam, he was talking to a man, who was a man's son in the asylum. Then Sam came out,
Dean said" Dude. You were in there forever." He grabbed my hand as we walked," What the hell were you talking about?"
Sam said" Just the hospital, you know."
" And?"
" And the south wing, it's where they houses the real hard cases- the psychotics, the criminally insane."
" Sounds cozy."
" Yeah, and one night in '64, they rioted- attacked staff, attacked each other."
" So, what, the patients took over the asylum? Any deaths?"
" Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott."
" What do you mean never recovered?"
" Cops scoured every inch of the place, but I guess the patients must have... stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden."
" That's grim."
" Yeah, so they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital for good."
" We've got a bunch of violent deaths and unrecovered bodies."
" Which could mean a bunch of angry spirits."
" Good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight." We got into the car, I leaned up," And no, we're not leaving you in the car, I think I figured out how to get him over the fence."

It's nighttime, we pulled up to the fence,
Sam said" So we're gonna throw River over the fence?"
Dean said" Not throw... gently toss."
" Dean, no."
" It'll work."
" He could get hurt."
" We're taking him into a haunted asylum, do I need to mention that again?"
" Which is a lot different than throwing him over a fence." We got out, Sam climbed over first, Dean tossed the bag over." I'm telling you, if you climb up, but don't jump, he can climb up and you can help him get across and I'll grab him."
" That's not fun."
" Dean, we're not tossing our brother over a fence." Dean rolled his eyes then climbed up to the top," Okay, River, start climbing, buddy. It's okay, we're not gonna let you fall." I started climbing, I was nearly to Dean, but foot got stuck. I yelped,
" It's okay, River, it's okay." Sam pushed my foot out, Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me up, helping me cross to the other side. Sam held out his arms and once I was in reach, he grabbed me. Dean jumped over and got down, he looked at me." See, nothing to be scared about, buddy, we'd never let you fall."

We were inside, we turned down a corner,
Sam said" Getting readings?"
Dean said" Yeah, big time."
" This place is orbing like crazy."
" There's probably multiple spirits out and about."
" And if these unrecovered bodies are causing the haunting?"
" We got to find them and burn them. Just be careful though, the only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit is a pissed off spirit of a psycho killer." We started to walk, but they turned around, then we started to walk again. Sam went into one room, Dean and I kept walking, I looked at him.
" Dean! Dean!" We ran back to Sam and he was face to face with a ghost, I gulped," Shotgun!"
" Sam, get down!" Dean shot the ghost, I sighed, it disappeared.
" That was weird."
" Yeah, you're telling me."
" No, Dean, I mean it was weird that she didn't attack me." We started walking again,
" It looked pretty aggro from where I was standing."
" She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try. So, if she didn't want to hurt me, then what did she want?" We heard something as we passed a doorway, we stopped. Sam turned on the flashlight, Dean pointed the gun, they walked towards the bed. Sam moved it and I saw a girl, she turned around and saw them.
" It's all right. We're not going to hurt you. It's okay. What's your name?"
She said" Katherine. Kat."
" I'm Dean. This is Sam and River."
Sam said" What are you doing here?"
She said" Um... my boyfriend, Gavin-"
Dean said" Is he here?"
" Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all just... you know... pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream, and-"
" All right, Kat, come on. Sam's gonna get you out of here. Then we're gonna find your boyfriend."
" No, no. I'm not gonna leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you."
" It's no joke around here, okay? It's dangerous."
" That's why I've got to find him."
" All right, I guess we're gonna split up, then. Let's go." We split up, Sam crouched down next to me, as Dean and Kat walked away.
Sam said" Okay, River, think you can handle a flashlight and look around?" I nodded," And if you see a ghost, I want you to make a salt circle and close yourself up in it, okay? And stay put." I nodded," I'll find you in ten minutes." I walked a different way, he walked the opposite, I held the flashlight and tube of salt. I walked into a room and looked around, then I saw a coat out of the corner of my eye, I turned and saw nothing. Huh? I sighed and went out the door, I saw the coat again, I followed it. I got to a staircase, I saw the coat again, I went down, my flashlight fell, I tried to catch it, dropping the salt too. I huffed and walked down the stairs carefully, I picked up the flashlight and it was busted... uh-oh! I gulped then hit it with my hand, I've seen Sam and Dean do it before and it turned the flashlight back on. It didn't work, maybe because they're stronger than me. I looked up as I heard something whoosh near me, I gulped and dropped the flashlight. I went for the salt then something grabbed me, I yelped loudly as a saw a ghost.
He said" Don't be afraid. I'm going to make you all better." Something hit me, I tensed up, then felt really bad, I passed out.

I woke up a little when I heard my brother,
Sam said" River? River!" I opened my eyes a little and saw Sam, I whimpered as I saw the ghost behind him. The ghost grabbed him too, I really didn't feel good, I passed out again.

I woke up, I saw Dean getting hurt, the mean ghost over him,
The ghost said" Don't be afraid. I'm going to help you. I'm going to make you all better." I jumped off the table, Dean was groaning in pain, I saw the body, it already had salt and gas on it. I saw Dean reaching for the lighter, I stared at the ghost as I walked to the lighter and grabbed it. I flicked it till I got a flame, I put it to the body, the flames jumped, I fell back, covering my face.
I heard Dean say" You're not gonna try and kill me, are you?"
Sam said" No."
" Good. 'Cause that would be awkward." I whined, rubbing my eyes, looking at them," Hey, River, next time, no splitting up, how's that sound?" I gave him a thumbs up, sitting on my knees," And so help me if you ever get that close to an fire again..." I just made grabby hands, he sighed," Yeah, I'm coming."
We were outside,
Kat said" Thanks, guys."
Gavin said" Yeah, thanks."
Dean said" No more haunted asylums, okay?" They walked away, getting into their car.
Sam said" Hey, Dean. I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there."
" You remember all that?"
" Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it, but I didn't mean it- any of it."
" You didn't, huh?"
" No. Of course, not. Do we need to talk about this?"
" No, no. I'm not really in the sharing and caring kind of mood. I just want to get some sleep." I wobbled, Sam grabbed my shoulder and put me into the car, then got in. I grabbed Coco and Blankie, curling up instantly, too sleepy to stay awake.

I was lifted up,
Dean said" All right, little man, you gotta let go of Coco and Blankie so I can take your clothes off." I whined and gripped tighter," Or you can sleep in your clothes because I'm too tired to fight you." He put me down, I felt a bed, I curled around a pillow and held Blankie and Coco close, falling back to sleep.

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