8 - New Trick (Day 2) ⭐

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3rd POV

Lilly was peacefully sleeping and Felix was on the phone with Catherine. He would occasionally glance at Lilly worried that something might happen in her sleep. After a few minutes he got off the phone and James walked in. "Watching over her like a hawk isn't going to help," James stated. "Yeah but it'll make me feel better," Felix replied. James goes to Lilly and connects her watch to a tablet. "There her watch will monitor her vitals. Now would you take a break and at least go eat," James told him.

"Did you speak to Catherine," Felix asks. "Yeah and she was extremely pissed off. Something about one more slip up and she'll never let Sam see Mike again. Not to mention when Lilly's awake Catherine wants her to make 2 shock bracelets. So next time Sam does something wrong it'll shock Sam or if Sam says something mean it'll shock her as well," James told him. "Didn't think Cat had it to physically punish her child," Felix stated. "Neither did I but if you ask me it's long due now let's go eat because I'm starved," James stated. "Fine I guess I'm down to eat," Felix stated. They both left to the kitchen to find something to eat.

The Next Morning

Lilly woke up to Roxana gently shaking her. "Hey Lia wake up you got to get ready for breakfast" Roxana said softly. "Go away I wanna sleep" Lilly mumbled. She buried her head in her pillow but Roxana pulled Lilly by her legs. Lilly teleports Roxana away from her and moves back up to her pillows. "Lilly, don't make me get James," Roxana said sternly. Lilly whines and rolls out of bed.

"Fine, leave my room so I can change," Lilly said softly. Lilly followed Roxana to the door and as soon as she stepped out Lilly shut the door and locked it before crawling back in bed. Roxana repeatedly knocked on the door. Lilly whines and gets back out of bed before using her powers to get changed quicker. Lilly opened the door giving Roxana a death glare. "Good, you're up and dressed, let's go I'm sure James is waiting," Roxana said energetically. "You're way too peppy for seven in the morning" Lilly told her. "You used to be way more energetic in the morning. What happened?" Roxana asked.

"I realized how much life sucked and everything changed," Lilly replied. They got downstairs where James and Felix were at. "Morning kid," James said softly. "Morning James," Lilly said softly. "How'd you sleep?" Felix asked. "Okay I guess," Lilly replied. Lilly grabbed her breakfast and sat down with James and Felix. "So you and I are gonna go to the greenhouse today and I'm gonna teach you a few things about your powers," Felix told Lilly. "That's fine but I have to show you both something," Lilly said softly. "You can show us after breakfast," Felix stated.

Lilly eats her food before going to her room and grabs her sketchbook. She heads back down to where James and Felix are at and gives it to them. "I'll hold onto this," James said softly. "Alright let's head to the greenhouse," Felix stated. Lilly follows Felix to the greenhouse. "Alright so today I'm going to show you how to grow a plant with just a seed. Using only your powers so instead of healing a plant we're growing one," Felix told Lilly. "Can we train with my water powers as well," Lilly asked. "Sure and we can even do air today if you're up to it," Felix told her. "Let's see how the first 2 go before trying the 3rd," Lilly replied.

Felix grabs a seed from a bag and puts it in his palm. He puts his palms together and a dark green glow appears. It glows a little brighter and then stops. Felix opens up his palm and there lies a small blooming daisy flower. Felix sets it up in a small pot and fills it with dirt and then waters it before using his powers to grow the flower to full size. "Kind of cool huh," Felix spoke up. "I guess," Lilly replied.

She used her powers and did exactly what Felix did and even brought life to some dead plants in the greenhouse. "Elemental powers are easier to control because they're quite peaceful. So long as you have a pure heart it comes naturally," Felix said softly. "Didn't realize you had a heart," Lilly mumbled to herself. "Heard that and I have you know that hurts me for you to even think that," Felix stated. "Sorry," Lilly said softly. He could tell she felt guilty saying it. "It's alright I get it you're still trying to forgive me. Now let's go ahead and practice water manipulation," Felix told her.

Meanwhile Roxana, Sam, Tuma, Matteo and January are all failing their simulation, again. "Come on guys, it's not that hard to work together. The better you work together the more likely you're going to pass," James told them. "It'd work better without Sam! She is totally insufferable and refuses to take anyone's ideas but her own," Roxana stated, annoyed. "We've done things Sam's way twice and we're still nowhere," Tuma complained. "Not all of us have powers like Lilly. We can't exactly destroy the room with blasts or whatever," Sam argued.

"I have you know that I could pass the simulation without using my powers," Lilly stated, as she stood by the doorway next to Felix. "I'd say she's pretty advanced in her powers. Plus I promised her that if she passed the simulation without her powers. I'd talk to you to see if you'd allow her to start sparring," Felix told James. The duo made their way to James. "I'll make you a deal right now. If you can pass the simulation without your powers not only will I allow you to have sparring sessions. I'd also allow you to level up on the training sessions and do personalized mission simulations on your own. With the supervision of either me or Felix that is," James told her.

"Deal, but does that mean I don't have to hold back my powers? Catherine said I have the potential to run the society one day. I already don't have the choice of joining so why not just find my limit and see how powerful I really am. I haven't really figured out how much I can really even do because I've been scared to hurt someone. I don't really have to worry about that here since I'm in a controlled environment," Lilly said softly.

"You shouldn't have to hold back your potential. So yes you won't have to hold back on your powers. Now everyone else get behind me. Lilly, get ready because I'm resetting the simulation," James told everyone. Lilly prepared herself for the simulation and a few seconds later the simulation started up. The group watches Lilly take off and gets behind a block as she avoids getting hit. "You turned up to level 10 didn't you," Felix whispered to James. "I can't have her winning this. It's only been a day and I don't want the others to feel down on their lack of progress," James whispered back.

The second borns didn't listen as they watched in awe at Lilly's progress to the Pyramid. "They need to not be coddled when it comes to their progress or else they'll fail," Felix stated quietly. The simulation powers down as Lilly holds the pyramid. "Can I have an extended curfew," Lilly asked. "No," Felix and James said loudly. Lilly slightly flinched and put the pyramid back. "I'm going to my room," Lilly said quietly.

Lilly teleports out, seemingly upset and confused. She didn't understand what she did wrong. Why did James seem upset when she passed the simulation? Lilly wanted to get to the bottom of it and grabbed one of her spell books to do a spell. She ended up finding a non verbal spell and tapped into James's mind to find out that he had tried to rig the simulation so she would fail. While reading his thoughts Lilly found out that James doesn't want her to train more than the others because he doesn't want the others to feel like she's better than them. Upon further diving in James's mind Lilly found out that James does see her as a potential threat to the other second borns.

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