Teamplay on the show

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After mysic lesson, Marshall, Zuma and Rocky were talking near Math class about their basketball school team. Their class teacher gave them a permission to prepare their team for oncoming basketball school season.

Marshall: I just hope that our guys will support Chase.

Zuma: Don't worry! Me and you will have with him a little lesson of teamplay. It shouldn't be hard though.

Rocky: I hope so. Oh, there he comes.

He saw Chase coming to them and greeted cheerfully.

Rocky: Hey buddy. Enter the class, put your bag down and go with us. We will wait for you.

Chase: Are you want to miss the lesson, like, bad guys?

Zuma: No. We need to prepare our basketball school team.

Marshall: And Mrs.Walker gave us a permission to do it.

Chase: Oh, ok. One moment.

Chase entered the class, put his bag down and exited the classroom. Then this quartet went to P.E room, where they changed clothes and met their 2 teammates, Tracker and Rubble.

Tracker: Hola guys. Hey Chase.

Rubble: Hello Chase!

Chase: Hi guys. Let's get started.

Zuma: He's right. Well, we used to start our training frommaking situations on field. But this time we will make it different. 

Marshall: Chase never played in basketball with other guys, so we need to teach him a teamplay. 

Tracker: No problemo. Chase come with me, let's play 2vs2 without goals just passes.

Zuma: Nice idea Tracker. Let's go.

Marshall and Rubble played in one team while Chase and Tracker played in second team.

Tracker: No scores, just pass me the ball, ok?

Chase: Ok.

Tracker battled for ball with Marshall and passed it to Chase. Rubble started to battle with him, but Chase was defending it very nice. Zuma got really suprised with it.

Tracker: Nice moves. Now pass me the ball!

Chase made a 360 around Rubble and passed the ball to Tracker and he easily caught it.

Zuma: Yes!! Good jub buddy!! Let's keep it up!

They played to the end of lesson and Chase showed a good potential as a team player with nice solo skills. Then the ringbell sounded.

Zuma: Wow, just wow! Nice play Chase!

Chase: Thanks. Without you it would be harder.

Tracker: Yeah. 

Rubble: Well, let's go for a lunch! They are giving a pie today!

Rocky: Yahoo! A pie!

They ran to the cafeteria.

That's the end of chapter! I noticed that usually, chapters are containing 300-700 words so I think you will like this chapter! Dedication goes to ShiningSkase02. Her stories are really nice. Check them. See you soon and stay safe ))))

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