Chapter Ten

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Brinley's Pov
When I woke up, I jumped up immediately. Today was Saturday, and I had nothing to do. I'm gonna go for a walk and take pictures so I can remember some stuff around here when I get older.

I got up and slipped on a yellow polka dot dress. I put on some black flats, not the most comfortable for walking but eh, and brushed my hair into a wavy ponytail. I put on a bit of makeup, not a lot. I'm not really into makeup.

I walked out into the kitchen and began making eggs, bacon, and toast. I got out all my ingredients and started first on the eggs. Everyone liked them scrambled. I threw some toast into the toaster and put some grease into a frying pan. I tossed the bacon onto the pan and scrambled the eggs. The toast popped up and scared me a bit. I grabbed them and laid them on a plate. I ended up with 3 plates of scrambled eggs. 2 plates of a butt load of bacon. And 5 stacks of toast. I set out the condiments and left a note for the boys, telling them where I would be. I grabbed some bacon and ended out the door.

I didn't walk for long before I came up to my first stop. My house. I hadn't been there in a long time. I took out the camera and snapped a photo. I sighed and began walking again. My next stop was the park. I loved playing football here with the gang. I took a few photos and then headed for the lot. My favorite place.

When I arrived I noticed a bunch of Socs beating someone up. I couldn't tell who it was. I hid behind a bush and began taking photos. I zoomed the camera in and noticed it was Bob, Randy, Peter, and Austin. They were four of the worst Socs to see on our turf. I took a lot of photos of them, for evidence later in case needed.

They all ran off back to their car and drove away. I took some more photos of them and some of their car. Once they were out of sight, I ran over to see who it was. My jaw dropped when I saw them. Johnny lay there limp, blood pouring out of him everywhere. There were stab wounds and bruising all over. I covered my mouth in shock. I threw my camera into my purse and grabbed Johnny. He wasn't heavy so I was able to run with him. I was pretty strong anyways.

Once I got to the Curtis house I burst through the door and laid Johnny on the couch.

"Brinley, what is all that ruckus?" Darry asked.

He walked into the living room from the kitchen. His eyes landed on Johnny and went wide.

"Oh my gosh!! Johnny!!" He shouted.

All the boys came running in. They gathered around Johnny. They all began crying and freaking out.

"What happened?" Dally asked full of anger.

I tossed him the camera from my purse. "I didn't know it was him. I thought he was here with y'all," I said shivering and crying.

Dally looked through the camera and got up. He headed over to me full of rage. He looked like he was about to hit me, but instead he dropped to his knees and hugged me. He cried on my shoulder and I cried on his.

"I'm so sorry, Dal," I said through sobs.

He hugged me tired. Darry and Soda pulled us up while Steve and Two carried Johnny out to the car.

"We gotta take him to the hospital," Darry said.

Me and Dal nodded and followed the boys to the truck.


We all sat in the waiting room, patiently waiting to hear about Johnny. I was pacing back and forth, biting my nails. Soda came over to me and hugged me. I hugged back and let all my tears out on his shoulder. We swayed back and forth, both crying.

"Are you all here for Johnny Cade?" A nurse asked.

I pulled away from Soda and looked at her. "Yes, ma'am," I said quickly.

She sighed and looked at all of us. That's when I realized she had tears in her eyes. "I am sorry to tell you that he didn't make it," she said and then walked off.

I fell onto Soda and screamed out. This can't be happening, not to me, not to the gang. Then I looked over at Dally. His fists were clinched and so were his teeth. His eyes were watering. A glare flashed through his eyes. I knew that glare. That was glare I had seen in Bob's eyes. Randy's eyes. Peter's eyes. Austin's eyes. He was about to do something he couldn't control. That was the look of emptiness and anger.

I ran to the hospital phone. Everyone looked at me confused. I immediately dialed Mads's number. It rang for a second.

"Hello?" The voiced asked.

"Mads, head over to the hospital now," I demanded and then hung up the phone.

Dally looked at me and smirked. He knew what I was doing. I walked over to the gang.

"Sit down, Dal," I said.

He shook his head and laughed. "You think you can tell me what to do?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I do. And what are you gonna do about it?" I asked.

He smirked and raised his fist. Before he could punch me, Soda tackled him.

"What the hell, man!? She is pregnant!!" He yelled at him.

Dally looked at Soda and then me. For a second his eyes looked apologetic, but that was only for a second. He stood up and headed out the door, but he was stopped. Mads walked in and Dally slowly walked back towards us. He knew he was done for.

"Dal, what's wrong?" She asks.

Dally shook his head and let a few tears drip down his cheeks. "Johnny, Johnny's dead. He's dead, Mads. I ain't ever gonna see him again. I ain't gonna. Not ever. Because those damn Socs," Dally said, going from sad to pissed off.

His fist clenched. And he gritted his teeth. Mads shook her head.

"It's gonna be ok, Dal. I know you loved him. We all did. He was our little brother. We all loved him. But he is in a better place now. It's ok, Dal. It's ok to be sad," she said.

He shook his head. And raised his tone. "He was too young. Them bastards are gonna die for what they did. He was too young, ya hear. He didn't need to die," Dal said.

Mads tried to sit Dally down. He got mad and pushed her. She landed on his arm and all you could hear was a snap. She screamed out in pain. Me and Darry immediately ran to her.

"You broke her damn arm, Dally! Calm the fuck down!" Darry screamed.

Dally shook his head. He was white as a ghost. He ran to Mads's side. "I'm sorry, Mads. I didn't mean to," he said freaking out.

She shushed him. "It's ok, Dal. I know you didn't. I ain't the first time," she said.

Me and Darry helped her into a hospital room. A doctor saw what happened and immediately led us to a room. They did a few scans and put a cast on her arm.


We entered the house and I laid down on the couch. My stomach had a gotten a tiny bit bigger. Not much though. I was only about a month pregnant.

The phone rang and Darry went and picked it up. He said a few things and then hung up. He turned to us and frowned.

"There is talk of a rumble. Tim wants us to all fight in it for Johnny's sake. Well, besides Brinley since she is pregnant, and Mads because she broke her arm," Darry said.

We all nodded. Everyone wanted to fight for Johnny. The hospital had gotten the police involved. They came to the hospital, before Johnny died, and took my camera for evidence. They also got the story from me, since I was a witness. I gave them all their names and told them everything I had seen. They also made me give them my dress for evidence, since it was covered in Johnny's blood. I had to get some more clothes from a nearby store. They told us that their is gonna be a court case over Johnny's death and that he would come by the house with more info.

Everyone sat around the house, no one saying a word. We all just sat in silence, thinking about what just happened.

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