Chapter Four

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Brinley's Pov
I was finishing up getting changed for me and Soda's date. I was really nervous. I didn't know exactly what he had planned. I was in a pink plaid dress with a light amount of makeup. I had my hair in thick, blonde, wavy curls.

"Brin, are you ready?" I heard Soda yell.

"Yeah, one sec," I yelled back.

I finished my makeup and walked out. His jaw dropped. He looked adorable. His hair was slicked back and he had on a plaid shirt and nice jeans.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," he said to me.

I smiled and blushed a bit. "You look extremely handsome," I said back.

He walked over and grabbed my hand, and we ended for his truck. I got in the passenger seat and looked over at Soda. He was so handsome. I smiled and looked forward.

We arrived at a lake. Soda jumped out and opened my door for me.

"Thank you, kind sir," I said giggling.

He smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and led my down to a picnic blanket. There were rose petals scattered everywhere. Two wine glasses were sat next to a picnic basket. It looked beautiful.

"Soda, this looks amazing. How'd you do it?" I asked him.

He smiled. "A little help from Steve and Pony," he said.

I smiled at him and we sat down. The sun was beginning to set. I looked up at the sky and laid my head on Soda's shoulder.

"Every time I watch the sunset, all I think about is you. The way the colors contrast so well, like your personality. The way it lights up the sky, like your smile. The way it makes me stare, like your beauty," he said grinning.

I was blushing a bright red color. I smiled at him. "You just warned that kiss," I said giggling.

He looked at me and smiled. He began to lean in, and I let him. His lips met mine. I smiled into the kiss. He licked my lip and I opened my mouth, letting him explore inside. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," I said smiling.

He smiled back at me. "You deserve to hear the truth," he said.

I blushed and leaned my head back on his shoulder. I stared at the sky and just admired its beauty.


I got out of the truck, holding Soda's hand. We walked into the house and were immediately stopped by Two-Bit.

"Ha. Steve, pay up," he said.

Steve sighed and handed Two ten bucks.

"Did y'all really bet on us?" I asked.

Two laughed and nodded. I just shook my head, and me and Soda went into his room.

"Can you grab me some clothes?" I asked him.

He nodded and handed me a shirt and some sweats. I left and went into the bathroom to change. When I came back, Soda was sitting up on the bed in just boxers. He was shirtless. Soda never went to bed shirtless. I smiled and blushed a bit. He noticed and smiled at me. I walked over and got in bed. He cuddled up against me and we fell asleep.


Ponyboy's Pov
I woke up around 8 in the morning to someone knocking on the front door. I got up and walked to it.

"Hello?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"Oh hey, Pete. Is Brinley here?" A woman asked.

I looked up and realized it was Brinley's mom. "Ma'am, my name is Ponyboy and yeah she's here. Do you need here?" I asked.

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