Chapter Nine

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Brinley's Pov
It has been four days since my mom's funeral. I haven't stopped crying once. I just feel so guilty. What if I could have saved her?

Soda sat down on the couch next to me and wrapped is arm around my shoulder. He pulled me close to him and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Brin, please don't cry. It wasn't your fault," he said calmly.

His voice some how soothed me. I stopped crying and looked up at him. I smiled a bit.

"Soda, thank you. I miss her. I miss dad," I said frowning.

He lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes. "I miss them too. I loved your mom. And your dad always seemed so nice. It's gonna be ok. It has to be. For the baby and us," he said smiling.

I smiled back and nodded. He was right. I had to get over it. It was best for my family. I wiped my eyes and looked at the TV. To distract myself I began thinking of names. If it's a boy how about, Winston? Or Memphis? Then I thought about girl names. My mom's name was August and my dad's name was Nathan. Then my mom's middle name was Sarah and my dad's was Lee. I kept thinking. How about Ansley? I liked that name a lot. Then I thought back to boys. Winston was Dally's name so probably not that one. That leaves Memphis. I like that name. I really want a girl though.

"Soda, I want a girl," I said randomly.

He looked at me and smiled. "Me too."

I looked at him. "How about the name Ansley?" I asked.

He smiled. "I like that name. My mom's middle name was Anne," he said.

"I know. And the first four letters have my parents names are in it," I said.

He nodded. "August, Nathan, Sarah, and Lee."

I smiled. I'm glad he remembered. My thoughts were interrupted by Darry.

"Brinley, what is this?" Darry asked.

"What is what?" I asked.

He handed me a paper. It was about my graduation tomorrow. Oh my gosh! Graduation is tomorrow!

"Oh my. I completely forgot. It's my graduation. I didn't even realize it was tomorrow. Do you guys want to come?" I asked.

They smiled and nodded. "Of course we will come," Darry said. "I'll tell all the boys and bring Mads."

I smirked at him and winked. He smiled and nodded. Ha. I knew they'd get together. I smiled back at him as he left the room. Soda turned to me.

"Congrats on graduation," he said.

I smiled. "Thanks, Soda," I said. Then I remembered. "My check comes in tomorrow from my dad and we already got the money from mom," I said excited and sad at the same time.

"We should save it and wait a bit and buy a house once the baby turns 2 or so," he said.

I nodded in agreement. I didn't want to move out so soon.


No One's Pov
As Brinley walked across the stage, everyone began clapping. Once she got off the stage, she walked to the boys and received a hug from each one of them. Last was Soda, he was so happy for her. He kissed her and hugged her tighter than the rest.

Once they got home, they all shared some chocolate cake in celebration. They were having laughs and enjoying their time together.

Sodapop's Pov
I went into my room and came out with a present for Brinley. I walked over to her and placed a kiss on her lips.

"This is for you, Brin," I said.

She smiled at me. "You shouldn't have," she said.

She dug into the bag and pulled out a camera. Her eyes went wide and she couldn't help but smile.

"Soda, I've always wanted a camera. I can finally take photos of everyone," she said grinning.

I smiled. I was happy she liked the gift. She began taking pictures of everyone. She took a photo of her with each boy, her with Mads, and then came over to me and kissed me as she took a picture. I smiled at that. She always makes me smile.

"Mads, could you take a picture of me and the gang?" She asked.

Mads nodded and smiled as we all posed. She took the photo and handed the camera back to Brinley.

Brinley thanked everyone for the party and for coming and headed off to bed. I figured I would join her. I got into the bed and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you," I whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too," she responded smiling with her eyes closed.

Sorry. This chapter is short because a major part of is possibly about to happen and I didn't want this chapter to end up being WAY too long.

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