🌹December 19th🌹

27 2 4

Court advisor Zyris Rosen🌹

New beginnings and new chapters always come with new villains and new problems. How could I have possibly seen this coming?


"Here we are, the palace"

I pointed to the shiny building a few miles away, that was surrounded by the biggest city that Teno had probably ever seen. No enemies seemed to be in sight though, even as we entered the city. Everything seemed to be running normally, even soldiers and knights were seen looming around. Were we not at war? Why were there so many fighters here instead of the front lines? Why hadn't they evacuated the city like they evacuated most of the palace?

Suspiciously and confusedly me and Teno rode through the city, until we finally reached the palace gates. The main building of the palace existed hundreds of meters past the gates, but I guess they needed room for the garden. The courtyard was apparently the biggest one in the world.

Teno rode quietly beside me. He must be feeling intimidated by the big city and the huge palace. Well he would have to get used to it, and quickly. The court would crush him like a bug if he didn't adapt.

Before we reached the gates, I leaned over to him as much as I could and whispered;

"Something is off, stay by me and don't talk to anyone, understand? Stay on your guard"

He looked at me with surprised eyes but nodded.

We reached the gates and were stopped by the guards as usual. They took one look at me, asked me for my name, and let me in. Either they knew that I was coming, or they recognized me. I really don't know which one would be good or bad, but none of this added up in my head.

We rode past the gates and into the courtyard. I let Teno admire the Christmas decoration by riding a little slower. He looked up at the trees with sparkles in his eyes.

"Your majesty"

I bowed to the king and Teno did the same, bowing even lower than me because of his rank. The king gave a nod.

"Zyris, lets have a talk in private"

He stood up from his throne and left the room slowly, expecting me to follow. I gestured for Teno to follow me as well, but to be on his guard more than ever. Why was the king acting so suspiciously?

We walked past corridors after corridors, going up the stairs and then down the stairs. I knew the palace like my back pocket. We were probably going to one of the meeting rooms. Teno seemed more out of place, staring with wide eyes at all they fancy furniture and all the big windows. Every person we met were dressed head to toe in clothes probably worth more than his house.

Thankfully I had gotten the chance to change my clothes, and Teno too. We made sure to wash up all the dirt and sweat, and put on expensive uniforms. Mine was a simple suit made out of white silk, as usual, while Tenos was a light armor type.

The king didn't utter a word until we entered one of the meeting rooms, three guards following us inside, which was suspicious.

"Is my son doing well"

He asked, but it barely sounded like a question. More like he was bored out of his mind and wanted to start our conversation on a meaningless topic. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I take that you revived my letter your majesty? Crown prince Clearblue should be safe with head knight Jackson Winters, while your other child and daughter-in-law-to-be, should be safe as well."

He pursued his lips and nodded dryly. I got a little bit uncomfortable, which is quite unusual for me. Something was just off...

"I have sent a letter to them actually. I've decided to send them up north"

His confident voice boomed through the meeting room.

Up north? But there were no castles or armed villages up north? There were many other way safer options, like sending them to his sisters kingdom like he always does during times of war.

"But your majesty, With all do respect, there are no safe places up north... are you sure they will be okay?"

I asked as carefully as possible. I didn't want to make it seem like I was insulting the king after all, especially during times of war.

"I am aware of that advisor"

"But... , with all do respect, aren't they supposed to stay safe..."
I started sweating. Teno looked confused but kept his head down.

"I have not sent them up north to keep them safe. I have sent them up north to change the succession"

I widened my eyes and stared at him. It couldn't be? All this time...

The king was behind this all this time?! He was attacking his own family, trying to kill them!? What monster would do this!? I looked at him with utter terror and betrayal. No! My friends have to be safe!

He observed my expression and suddenly smiled wickedly. That's when I finally realized. I realized that all this time, the king that I had been advising and working for, was crazy. He was a crazy lunatic, no wonder he caused all of these wars!

Anger boiled inside of me. I leaped for the king, wanting to kill him at all costs, but sadly the guards behind me held me back. Teno stared at both of us with wide eyes.

"You're insane! A lunatic! A true king would never betray his people like that! Is there even a war!? Did you make that up too?! You will never be my king!!"

I struggled against their grip and yelled at the man in front of me. No person like him deserved to be king! He would not get away with this!

He simply laughed at came closer to me.

"Now now, remember that you are my advisor, not my sons"

This time it was my turn to chuckle. Even if I felt my world crumble around me.

"Well then, let me give you one last piece of advise to you, a studid pile of spilling! Your people will have you hanged the moment your son is dead, mark my words! The only reason you aren't dead, poisoned, is because of your kind hearted son. He was already a hundred times the king you ever were!"

The king frowns.

"I always knew that you were too warm hearted for court life. Too bad you chose the wrong side. Guards! Send them to the royal dungeon and have them executed when my son has died!"

The guards grabbed Teno. He struggled against their grip, but I stayed still. My friends... my friends would die...

They threw us in a dark cell under the palace, and I fell to the cold stone floor. Please, to whoever is out there.. save them and save us...


A fairy tale (gay) ChristmasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora