👑December 4👑

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Princess Amalia Sofia of the two knights realm👑

Its a joyful day as usual, and maybe today is extra busy! It's the fourth after all! This is how it all started...

"Christmas is around the corner!" Princess Marigold announces, as she enters the royal dressing room. Her orange hair is tied up in bun, decorated with all sorts of ribbons and bows. Her outfit is yet to be changed, which is why she still stands in a dark green dress.

Princess Maryann laughs at her younger sister, before walking off with her maids to get dressed. The other two girls in the room, Lady Daisy and Princess Amalia Sofia smile and point to where princess Marigolds clothing is. When the slight commotion has died down, and the dressing is continued, Amalia turns to her new friend.

"Are you exited about tonight's engagement ball? You are finally becoming a member of the royal family"

Lady Daisy laughs at the princesses enthusiasm. Of course she is happy to become family to Princess Amalia, who she is already getting very well along with. But the engagement? There is just something bothering her, but Daisy isn't sure if she should voice it out loud or not...

"Well, I'm quite nervous, but I can already tell that I'll fit right in with the princesses!"
She laughs kindly, and Amalia and Marigold nod happily.

"And crown Prince Clearblue is very kind! I'm sure you will both become very happy together one day"
Maryann adds, as she arrives from her fitting.

The brown haired princess Maryann is dressed in a purple dress, with simple but beautiful accessories. As the second oldest princess, and third oldest sibling, she makes sure to show a good example to her younger brother and sister. By wearing appropriate clothing and having good grades she shows them that even younger royals have to act well. They can't just party because they won't become ruler one day, they have to show respect towards their hardworking people.

The youngest princess runs off to get dressed, as the three older girls continue talking amongst themselves.

Prince Rubrum is the last one to arrive in the royal salon. Behind the big silver doors is the big ballroom, filled with people waiting for the royal family to present themselves. Rubrum, meaning red, is wearing a simple black suit, that compliments and tones down is angry red hair. Crown prince Clearblue decided to wear white, to match his fiancé and to let his blue hair stand out.

Princess Marigold, the youngest, is wearing traditional yellow to match her name. Princess Maryann is still looking dazzling in her purple gown, while Amalia shines in a pink beautiful dress. Queen Mary Amalia is wearing red, to match her red and black dressed husband, king Corum.

Obviously Lady Daisy is the star of tonight, dressed in a shining white dress. It's decorated with silver and golden stars on the skirt, and the tiara on her head has been polished for hours so it shines like a star on her head. The queen wanted to make sure the future queen was presented in the best way possible, the white representing innocence, lightness of heart and their future wedding, while the stars representing the realms bright future. Daisy smiles nervously, although no matter her fear she still looks more dazzling than ever.

"You know the protocol, bow and smile, walk down and sit down on the thrown"
One of the kings advisors, Michael, goes on.

The king nods and takes his wife by the arm. They stand proudly as the doors open, leading to a balcony above the ballroom, with stairs leading down to the floor down below. Hundreds of rich, royal and noble people stand below them, dressed in one color after another. Somewhere in that big crowd Amalias friends are, everyone except for Jackson.

Jackson, the royal knight, is currently standing behind the crown prince, assigned as his personal bodyguard for tonight. He is dressed in his fanciest armored suit, and seems to stand both proudly and possibly a little nervously. Who wouldn't be nervous? Even Amalia has trouble with presenting herself in front of hundreds of important people.

"King Corum and Queen Mary Amalia of the two knights realm!"
The presenter yells out, and the crowd claps appropriately.

"That's our cue"
The crown prince whispers to his soon-to-be fiancé. She nods nervously and they step out as well.

"Crown Prince Clearblue, and Lady Daisy of the two knights realm!"

Princess Amalia smiles comfortingly towards Jackson, who gives her a panicked glance before leaving out the door. Now it's her turn. She smiles to her siblings, and steps out. The light is blinding, and the colors and the staring is more intense than ever.

"Princess Amalia Sofia of The two knights realm!"

As the two oldest siblings have been presented, the three youngest go on the same time, since it's not a coronation or a wedding. Maryann gives her two younger siblings a comforting nod but a stern gaze, telling them not to mess this up. Rubrum manages to roll his eyes before they leave, while Marigold simply smiles excitedly. She seems to not mind the spotlight, which is probably a good trait for a royal.

"Princess Maryann, Prince Rubrum and Princess Marigold of the two knights realm!"

They bow to the crowd and walk down the stairs, where the rest of the royal family already are seated. When they find their seats and sit down, the king immediately stands up.

"Subjects, friends and Allies! Tonight is a special occasion for my eldest son and Lady Daisy! I have spent twenty-five years as king over this kingdom, ever since my late father died at war. I have sworn to raise this kingdom higher than it has ever been before, and to take revenge against our enemies for his death! (At some point during his speech the royal advisor Zyr secretly rolls his eyes) tonight it is I, who begins my journey of the throne, and pushes it into the capable hands of my son- Crown prince Clearblue. But before he can take my place, he needs a capable queen by his side! And with that thought- I pass on the word to the crown prince"

The king steps back, and Clearblue stands up instead. He takes Lady Daisy's hand, and leads her to the middle of the ballroom. Th crowd holds their breath at the sight, knowing that they are about to witness a traditional royal engagement.

Jackson gets to do the honors, bringing a branch from the "first tree of the realm" to hold over their heads, as is tradition. Clearblue pulls a velvet box out of his pocket, and the crowd goes more quiet than ever. As he goes down on one knee, you could basically hear a pin drop.

"Lady Daisy, will you accept my request of your hand in marriage, and request of you to rule beside me as queen?"

Now at that point, everyone is probably wondering, if Lady Daisy want to say yes, or if she has to.

"I will"

But weather of not she wanted it, there was no going back at this point. The kings orders are the kings orders, and not every girl can get accepted by the court that fast. Daisy is a perfect fit for queen, and even though she is, it makes you wonder...

Did any of them actually want this?


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