🌹December 7th🌹

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Court advisor Zyris Rosen🌹

In times of war, writing is practically illegal. I'm writing this on a piece of paper, and I hope my friends are doing the same. Even though it might sound like I'm betrying the country, I'm confused about the war... how did it happen so suddenly? Why did I know not know of this at all? Something isn't right... but maybe it's just me being paranoid.

Anyway, this is what happened...

I had to leave my maids and other staffs to their own fate, and take charge over the mission at hand. Nothing of this made sense, but I knew I had to make sure nothing went wrong.

It's not like this was a game. We were transporting a princess, a crown prince and his fiancé! If anything went wrong we could all be beheaded.

The general wanted me to take us to the west castle. It's a stone fortress in the middle of the western woods, surrounded by miles of old forest. The castle is the safest one in the realm, because it's so hidden and strongly built. It was designed by the kings grandfathers father, for royal families during times of war.

It takes about three days to get there, but since we are riding at full speed with barely any stops, it'll only take two days. We had already rode for 30 hours when I started to feel a little tired. The forest was dark and possibly dangerous, so I could not loose focus, yet I was forcing my eyes to stay open. At times of war, there is no time to sleep.

It was mid day, December seventh. Usually around this time a year, I'd be planning Christmas schedules and going to parties and meetings. I'd shudder at the sight of snow and order around whatever trainee I had gotten this time. At least it's not snowing like yesterday, but that doesn't mean that the snow has disappeared. Because of the heavy snowfall for two straight days, the ground is covered with a extreme amount of white powder.

The horses were struggling, I know they were. We silently pulsed through the snow as the hours passed by.

"How are you holding up?"
I whispered to Jackson. He shrugged but held back a yawn.

"How much do we have left, can you determine our position?"

I looked around the forest. The constant green landscape was starting to take a toll on my mental health. We had seen nothing but snow and trees since last night. How would I know if one tree looked a little different than another, all I could do was look up to the sky. It was already afternoon, so the sun was setting and a few stars were showing up.

With a squint in my eyes I tried to remember what I went through during the navigation class in school. Something about the star formations, right? If the maiden formation is in that direction, are we closer or further away? I gave up.

"I don't think there is a way to determine our exact location, we'll just have to trust fate. We are going in the right direction, and time-wise we should be there some time tomorrow"

Jackson sighed and nodded his head.

"The faster we move the less time we have to spend like this"
He looked serious and refused to meet my eyes as he said it. He was stressed, I know he was. Tired like the rest of us, but couldn't show it. Him and Mina had to stay strong to set an example for the soldiers and staffs. I pitied their situation, but mine wasn't much different.

"Take the situation one step at a time. Focus on leading, I'll be right here for you Jack"

He glanced at me and gave a little nod. Usually I'm one to joke around or scheme, but this situation needs me to be more than smart and witty. I need to be strong and quick at noticing things.

That's why it was still bothering me. The fact that we left so suddenly, everything happened so suddenly. Wars don't happen overnight, and I think we all know that deep inside. Something is wrong, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I still can't.

I looked forward, once again staring into the everlasting green and white forest. The sun had set further, and the shadows stretched over trees and ground. The cold kept biting at my skin, the temperature was dropping. I fiddled with my hands while holding the saddle strings.

"Everything is good, right"

He looked at me with a confused expression, but I didn't meet his eyes.

"Nothing seems off or weird"

I spoke quieter than usual, and he furrowed his eyebrows while he tried to figure out what I was saying. I usually speak in riddles, especially in situations where we can't speak freely. Jackson is used to it, but he still struggles to find out what I mean sometimes.

"They are probably fighting the enemy at home right now. But it feels... weird since we never saw them..."

His eyes widen as he finally gets what I mean.

"What if things would be different"
Jackson tried to speak in code. So he has suspicions too... I knew things were weird!

"Whatever happens, we need to protect the royal family. How about we make a plan?"

"A Plan?"

"In case things are... different... you protect the crown prince, Mina protects Daisy and me and Sofia will protect each other, ok?"

Jackson glanced backwards, where the crown prince Clearblue was riding with a tired face. Daisy and Sofia were riding behind them, talking quietly amongst each other.


He yawns quietly and drags a little in the saddle strings, slowing our pace. Since it's dark we'll have to move a little slower than before. Hopefully this night will go better than the last one...

"I'll go inform Mina, can you take lead real quick?"

I nod and he takes a harsher grip on the strings and rides backwards. I imagined him talking to Mina while I kept my gaze on the forest ahead. Green and green and green and white, I can't wait to get inside that fortress...

And so the day ended with a heavy feeling in my heart. What! It's not like a day can end well just because it's December!


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