Year 2~ Yet Another Drive Home

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"I can't believe we're leaving in the morning." Pansy sighed as she sat down in the chair next to me.

"I know right. I feel like we just got here yesterday." Theo sighed as sat down on a tree on the other side of the fire. "We should do something like this every year."

"Yeah! Every year we could each 'host' this. And we don't have to go camping every time, we could take 'Mione to different events and things only wizards do!" Blaise exclaimed, the fire lighting up his grinning face. "Ouch! And witches." Blaise added, rubbing his side where Pansy had elbowed him.

"Alright, time for you guys to head to bed now." Henry said as he put his hands on his knees to help himself stand up. 

"Already?" I whined, it couldn't be that late. Could it?

"Yes already. It's nearly one o'clock in the morning!" My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Exactly, now up up up! Your mother would kill me if she knew I allowed you lot to stay up this late." He waved us up and towards our tent. Because the small tent only had three rooms, three of the boys would have to share one while the other two got the second room. Henry had brought his own small tent to sleep in, the hammocks had gotten soaked in last night's rain.

"Alright, you boys go change in those two rooms, this one is Pansy and I's." I said while walking into the first small room, Pansy right behind me. I quickly pulled down the zipper on the 'door' before turning and walking to my bag. Pansy had already pulled out her pajamas and was now peeling off her sweatshirt. I turned around and took of my clothes, quickly slipping into my red and black plaid pajamas.

After putting my dirty clothes into my bag, I turned around to make sure Pansy was dressed before unzipping the tent 'door'.

The other two 'doors' were already open, Draco, Blaise, and Theo were all laying in their sleeping bags in the 'room' across from Pansy and I's while Crabbe and Goyle were playing some kind of card game diagonal from my 'room'.

"So....whatcha' guys want to do?" Theo drew out the 'o' before continuing. "Crabbe, Goyle, what are you playing?"

"Go fish. Henery taught us earlier." Crabbed said, barely looking up before focusing on the cards.

"Ahh, okay. So, Pansy, Hermione, what'd you think we should do?" I looked up at Theo before glancing around the tent.

"Truth or dare?" I shrugged, not seeing anything else to do.

"Sure!" Pansy grinned as she slipped into her sleeping bag. I followed suit and layed on my stomach, my head laying on my hands which where laying on my pillow. Before long, I had passed out while the others kept playing truth or dare.


"Hermione! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I groaned, as the shrill voice interrupted my dream.

"Shut up." I muttered, pulling my pillow over my ears.

"Nope!" My pillow was yanked away from me. I whined at the loss of warmth as I forced my body to sit up, although I would rather lay down. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes to find everyone else dressed and Theo looking down at me, a large grin on his face while my pillow lay in his hands.

I muttered incoherently as I stood up, stretching and yawned. "How long have you guys been up?"

"About twenty minutes, we've been trying to wake you up for ages but you kept bloody snoring." Blaise laughed, as he walked into the tent, I hadn't noticed he was missing. As if reading my thoughts, he spoke again, "Everything is packed in the car except your sleeping stuff. Pansy took some clothes out of your bag before we took that to the car too, there in the corner." He nodded behind me, I turned and saw a sweatshirt and pair of black legging in the corner, a small bundle of clothing stuffed behind it. I assumed it was my undergarments, I sent Pansy a thank you  look for stuffing them behind so the boy's couldn't see.

"Sho, I need to get dressed." I pushed Blaise out of the little 'doorway' and quickly zipped it up. Pulling the drawstring tight, I unzipped the door and walked out, tying the drawstring so my sweatpants wouldn't fall down.

"Ready?" I looked up to see Draco waiting for me.

"Yup." Grabbing my clothes and stuffing them into my sleeping bag, I followed Draco out, my pillow in his hand.

I tossed my sleeping bag into the trunk and walked to the side of the care as Henry closed the trunk. 

"I call shotgun!" Goyle yelled as he rushed to the passenger seat.

"No fair! I wanted to sit up front!" Crabbe whined.

"Idiots." Pansy rolled her eyes. "Wanna sit by me again 'Mione?"

"Oh no way! She already said she'd sit by me!" Theo exclaimed excitedly, throwing his arm around my shoulders and grinned.

"But you said you'd sit by Hermione?" Blaise asked quietly.

"Oh of course I'm still sitting by you Blaise, I have two sides y'know. Do you two want to sit in middle row or the back row?" I asked, wrapping my own arm around Theo as I dragged him over to Blaise.


"Middle row it is." Draco, Pansy, and Crabbe hurriedly got into the back seat before Theo slammed down his own seat to make the middle row complete.

"Everyone here? Did you put everything into the trunk?" Henry asked as he started the car.

"Yup, everyone's here." I said, clipping in my seatbelt.

"Do you have Ares?" Henry put the car into drive as he made his way out of the campsite.

"I do." Draco said, raising Ares up into the air. I laughed as Pansy leaned into Goyle, trying to get away from the black snake.

"I thought you were a Slytherin Pans?" Blaise laughed.

"I am, but that doesn't mean snakes don't creep me out. Especially this one, I mean, just look at his eyes! What animal has blood red eyes?" 

"Well obviously Ares does." Theo snickered, but soon stopped as Pansy smacked the back of his head. "Oww!"

"Oh don't be a baby." Pansy muttered, but quietly mumbled a sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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