Year 2~ Packing

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Draco POV:

I smiled as I heard Hermione mutter under her breath. I planned to stay true to my word, and give Ares back when we arrived at her house for camping.

"Hey 'Mione, when do you want us arriving at your house?" Blaise asked as our group stepped off of the train.

"Oh, um, next week on Friday at noon. We can eat lunch at my house before leaving to the forest where we're staying." The brunette said as she shrunk her trunk so it was easier to carry.

"Can you do that to mine 'Mione?" Theo asked excitedly.

I snickered when she rolled her eyes but gave in. "Sure Theo."

"You do realize you don't have to do everything for that fool, right?" I asked as stood next to her.

"Oh I know. Now, I'll see all of you next week." She grinned and gave everyone one last hug, saving me for last, before running to her adoptive parents and hugging them.

"Alright, see you guys." Pansy waved before walking through the barrier that separates us from the muggle world. Soon, Theo left, then Crabbe and Goyle left together and it was just me and Blaise.

"Alright, lets go Zabini." I mutter as I walked to my mother who had just appeared 15 feet away. "Hello mother."

"Hi Mrs. Malfoy."

"Hello Blaise dear. Hello Draco." She smiles warmly at us before holding her arm out for side apparition.

As soon as my feet hit solid ground once more, I put my hands on my knees incase I threw up from the nausea in my stomach. "Mum, I need you to apparate Blaise and I to this address next Friday at noon." I said as I handed her the the piece of paper Hermione had written her address down on.

"Why?" She asked spectacle as she looked over the paper.

"One of out friends invited us, Pansy, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle to go-" I paused, thinking of what to say. I couldn't say camping because that was a muggle-like activity and father wouldn't approve. Oh well, who cares, I'll just ask mother not to tell him. She most likely wouldn't anyway.

"Camping, we're going camping." I finished.

"Oh that's great dear. Who is this friend who invited you?" She smiled and lead us to the living room so we could sit down. Blaise and I handed a house elf our shrunken trunks to take care of.

"Her name is Hermione." Blaise said.

"What's her last name?"

"Uh, well that's the thing." Blaise rubbed hs neck and looked at me, not sure whether or not Hermione would be okay with us telling my mother.

"She found out she was adopted, and she didn't want to use her adoptive parents last name anymore." I informed her, I nodded to Blaise letting him know I would take blame if Hermione got upset, though I doubted she would.

"Oh, does she know who her birth parents are?" Mother asked as she nodded a thanks to the house elf who had handed her a steaming cup of tea.

"No, but she did have a note she showed us. It was written from a third person's view, not her mother nor father. It said her mother dies in childbirth and her father wasn't fit to raise a child." Blaise said.

"Was there anything else on the letter?" Mother asked curiously.

"Yeah, her first name, Hermione, is after her mother grandmother. And her middle name, Merope, is after her father's mother. Whoever had written the letter had smeared her last name. The name Merope sounds familiar, do you recognize it mum?"

"It does sound quite familiar, I'll have to ask your father about it." She said. "Now, hurry along and go get your clothes packed. I'll get everything else you need." She waved us off.

"Mrs. Malfoy, what kind of clothes do we need?" Blaise asked as we stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll have a house elf bring you a list next week." She said as she walked past us and towards the kitchen to make tell the house elfs what to make for dinner.

*One Week Later*

Blaise walked into his room, and I walked into mine. I grabbed my bag and I heard a CRACK.

"Mistress Malfoy sent Dobby to give master Malfoy list." The elf squeaked and handed me the list my mother and written.

"Thanks Dobby." I mumbled before turning away and grabbing a handful if socks and boxers. I still hadn't heard a crack indicating the house elf had left, so I turned around to see what he wanted.

"Is there anything else Dobby?"

"Oh, no master Malfoy. Dobby has no more to say." He squeaked before leaving with a loud crack, most likely to Blaise's room.

I looked down at the list and grabbed two sweatshirts and a jumper and stuffed them into my bag. Then I grabbed twelve t-shirts and ten pairs of jeans. I grabbed eight pairs of shorts and two pairs of swim trunks before stuffing it all into the bag sitting on the green silk sheets. I grabbed everything else on mother's list and put it into my bag. I sighed when I saw how clothes were falling out.

"What's the spell...what's the spell." I muttered, trying to remember the spell Hermione used on her handbag to enlarge the inside, leaving the outside the same size.

"Oh yeah!" I yelled as I remembered. I muttered the spell and watched as the clothes sank down and stopped falling out. I quickly grabbed the rest of my thing and threw them into the bag before walking out of my room and into Blaise's.

"Ready mate?" I asked as I slung the back over my shoulder.

"Almost. I just- need to get- these clothes- TO FIT!" He yelled as he threw his hands up in surrender. "I give up! It's impossible to fit these many clothes into a bag that-" he stop when he saw me smirked and holding a bag that was slightly smaller than his own.


"I used a charm I remember Hermione used once." I shrugged nonchalantly. "Want me to do it on your bag?"

"Please." He whined. I pulled my wand out of my pocket and cast the spell before walking out to find my mother to apperate us to Hermione's house.

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