Year One~ Last Day of First Year

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I woke to people laughing quietly and the snap of a camera? I groggily lifted my head off of a hard, yet soft surface and slowly opened my eyes to take in atmosphere around me.

"Guys! You woke her up!" I heard Pansy's voice sold someone.

"What time is it?" I said rubbing my eyes, I tried sitting up but I was stopped, by someone's arms? Once I was fully awake, I looked down to see Draco sleeping and his arms around my waist. "Um, anyone want to tell me why Draco is holding me? And why I woke up basically cuddling with my best friend?" I asked as I untangled myself from the blondes arms.

"Come back." He muttered, reaching out in the air. I put a pillow in his arms and he seemed satisfied and wrapped his arms around it.

"So...." I asked, looking around at my friends as I stretched my arms.

"Well, we woke up about fifteen minutes ago, and we found you two like that..." Blaise said, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh come on! You guys know Draco and I are just friends! He's my best friend! Besides, boys have cooties!" I giggled like a five year old and Pansy joined in.

"Yeah! Boys are gross!" She squealed, we doubled over laughing, not realizing we had just woken up a certain blond.

"Shut up! It's too early!" Draco yelled throwing a pillow at us as he sat up. We ducked and it and the pillow hit Goyle who had fallen asleep in his chair.

"Oi! What was that for?" He exclaimed, jumping up.

"Sorry mate, I meant to hit those two." The blonde said pointing at Pansy and I.

"Whoops?" Pansy said. Goyle just mumbled something and sat back down.

"Hermioneeeeee." Blaise whined.

"Blaiseeeeee." I whined back, mocking his tone.

"I'm hungryyyyyy."

"Them go get some breakfasttt."

"Come with me?" He asked, his voice back to normal.

"Sure. Anyone else coming? And yes, we know you two are." I added quickly pointing and Crabbe and Goyle. The two pouted before getting up and walking over to Blaise and I.

"I'll come." Pansy said, hopping up out of her seat.

"Theo? Draco?" Blaise asked, looking at the two.

"I suppose." Draco muttered as he stood up and walked up behind me. Theo nodded as he joined us as we walked out of the common room to the great hall.

"Goyle! Close your mouth when you chew!" Pansy shrieked, throwing an apple at the boy.

"No." He said, chewing loudly and opening his mouth wide at the black haired witch.

"Arg!" She threw her hands up in frustration, she shot me a look as she stood up.

"Come on." I mumbled to Draco and Blaise as Pansy stormed out of the great hall. I stood up, the two boys following. We followed her out to the black lake.

"Pansy! Why did you have to come to a place that's so cold!" I yelled, scolding myself for forgetting my robes in the dorms.

"Oh your fine! Take Draco's robes if your that cold." Pansy muttered from in front of us.

"Okay, what's wrong? You don't usually get this upset when Goyle or Crabbe is being gross." I said as I walked up next to her, shivering slightly. 

"Plus, you would make a bigger deal of Hermione taking Draco's robes." Blaise added as he stood on Pansy's right side, Draco joining me on her left.

"Yeah, so spill." I said.

She mumbled something quietly, tears welling in her eyes, threatening to spill out.

"Pansy, its okay, you know you can trust us." Draco said quietly.

"My parents. They've been fighting. More than I've ever seen, and he started hurting her again. Goyle chewing with his mouth opened just reminded me of my mom, and how she would always scold my father when he did that." She said, the tears falling freely now. I silently pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back as she buried her head into the crock of me neck. Blaise wrapped his arms around her back, Draco hugging me from behind.

"Okay okay! I can't breath!" Pansy laughed slightly.

"She's laughing!" Blaise yelled triumply as he pulled her into his own hug.

"Can we do anything?" I whispered to Draco, his arm draped over my shoulder.

"No, you can't get a divorce in the wizarding world. The only thing we can do is support Pansy." He said sadly, watching out friend laugh at something the dark wizard had said. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Draco, pulling him into a hug.

"Okay, what'd we miss?" I jumped slightly, knocking my head with Draco's.

"Owww." Draco whined,rubbing his head.

"Oh you're fine you big baby." I hissed, rubbing my own head.

"Hmph." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"So, what'd we miss?" Blaise asked again, raising his eyebrows.

"What? Nothing, I was just hugging my best friend." I sighed, knowing Pansy was going to bug me about t it later.

"Okayyyy, but don't think we aren't going to talk about this later." Pansy smirked before walking back to the castle Blaise on her heals.

"Welp, the train ride is going to fun." I muttered as I started walking, leaving Draco behind.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Draco called as he ran to catch up with me. I smirked but said nothing as we made our way to the great hall.

"Where were you guys?" Theo asked as the four of us sat back down at the Slytherin table.

"Sorry about earlier Pansy. I'll try to chew with my mouth closed from now on." Goyle said sheepishly, his eyes downcast in embarrassment.

"It's fine Goyle, but thank you. And we just went for a little walk by the black lake." Pansy informed the others.

Sorry for not updating in a while, I have recently started writing in my phone, I have been writing on my computer but it's getting fixed now. also sorry for the short chapter, it's more of a filler chapter.
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