Year 2~ Setting up Camp

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Pansy and I walked around until we found two sets of trees perfect for our hammocks. We set our bags down at the bases of the trees before walking back to the car.

"What color hammock do you want?" I asked her as when we were five feet from the car.

"Oh it doesn't matter, red if you have one." I looked around for our red hammock and handed it to her once I found it. I grabbed myself our green one before following her back to our set of trees.

"How do I set this up?" She asked as we stopped at the trees.

"Okay, so first, you have to take the ropes out of this little bag," I showed her what bag I was talking about and we both pulled out our ropes. "Then, you have to tie the rope around the tree at the height you want your hammock to be at. Here, let me help." I walked over to her and helped her get the rope around the thick tree. I made sure the tie was tight so it didn't come undone while she was sleeping. "Then you do the same with the other tree." We quickly wrapped the ropes around the last three trees before getting the hammock's out of the bags.

"Take the clip and put it on the rope like this." I showed her how to do it. "Now we get-"

"Hermione! Pansy! We could use your help over here!" Henry yelled desperately. 

"Well, I guess we gotta help the boys, again." Pansy laughed and soon I joined as we walked towards Henry and the other boys.

"What's so funny?" Theo asked, I looked over and saw that Henry Draco and Blaise were tangled up in ropes for the tent, while Crabbe and Goyle were stuck inside the actual tent part, and Theo was sitting of to the side eating popcorn. Where did he get popcorn?

"Oh nothing. And where did you get popcorn?" Pansy asked, reading my thoughts.

"Never mind that, want some? It's fun to watch these guys trying to get untangled. They only get more stuck!" Theo laughed eating more popcorn before offering us the bag.

"Don't mind if I do." I laughed slightly before walking over and sitting next to him, grabbing some popcorn and watching the mess. Pansy soon did the same after shaking her head and laughing quietly.

"Uh, could you maybe help us 'Mione?" Blaise asked, trying and failing miserably to untangle himself from the ropes.

"Yeah, help out your favorite Slytherin's!" Goyle yelled from underneath the tent sheet.

"I suppose I could help you boys out..." I trailed off, giving a dramatic sigh before standing up and making my way over to Draco. "Come on Pansy, the sooner we get these guys out of here, the sooner we can lay in the hammocks." I called back to her as I stopped in front of the blond.

"How did you even get yourself stuck like this?" I wondered aloud as I looked over the ropes, trying to figure out the easiest one to pull.

"I have no-" He stared at me in awe when I pulled on one rope and they all fell off. Releasing him from their hold. "How'd you do that?"

"I pulled on the rope, wow, I didn't think you were that dim." I laughed. "Now come on, help me get Crabbe and Goyle out." I said once I saw Theo helping get Henry out Pansy getting Blaise out. Draco and I walked over and pulled the tent sheet up revealing Crabbe and Goyle. I grabbed Goyle's hand and pulled him up while Draco did the same with Crabbe.

"I can't leave anything to you guys can I?" I turned to face everyone, I laughed when Pansy put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips, putting on a mock-mad face.

"I suppose you can't." Henry laughed. 

"Why don't you and the boys put up the rest of the hammock's. I'm sure Pansy and I can put the tent without getting stuck like you guys."

"Sounds good, lets go boys." Henry said as he and the rest of the guys walked to the car and grabbed the rest of the hammocks.

Pansy and I quickly were tying done the last rope when everyone else walked over. I looked up and smirked, Pansy doing the same. "How are the hammocks?" She asked.

"Oh there great! We didn't get tangled up this time." Blaise laughed.

"Anyone want to go swimming?" I asked once we all stopped laughing. Everyone nodded and said yes.

"I'm going to stay here and unpack the rest of the car. You know where the lake is Hermione. Just be back before dark, once you see the sun start to set make your way back, I don't want you running into any wild animals in the dark. You can take a lunch down with you, I'll have dinner ready when you get back."

"Okay, sounds good. Thanks Henry." I smiled at the man before grabbing Pansy's hand and dragging her to our hammocks were we left our bags, the boys followed us, not really knowing what to do.

"Where are we supposed to get changed?" Blaise asked as we all walked back to the car, Pansy and I had our backpacks over our shoulders.

"Oh, in the tent, but we'll have to take turns." I told them. "Pansy and I will go first while you guys get your bags out of the car." I told them as Pansy and I stopped in front of the tent. the boys nodded before walking to the car and grabbing their own bags.

We quickly unzipped the tent and stepped in before zipping it back up. The tent was pretty big and had three separate little 'rooms'. Pansy and I each went into separate rooms and quickly changed into our bathing suits. I put my clothes back into my bag as I stepped out of the 'room' to wait for Pansy.

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