『 2 』

381 6 1

Date created: 07/28/16

Date Updated: 12/05/20

Date Finished: 12/06/20

Author's Notes: The events of the games will not be in order and of course very different from the addition of my oc. And if you haven't noticed...the dialogue definitely is not the same as in the show-

Warnings: None

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『 2: Crocus 』

"Thank god!!" Tora exclaimed as she jumped out of the train. Natsu landed beside her, breathing a breath of fire into the air.

"Oh, Yeahh! No more train!!" he shouted.

Everyone else followed behind, getting off the train, and then they headed for the inn for Fairy Tail. It was a lovely cozy inn.. like other guild inns, closet to the arena where the games will be held.

Everyone walked into the lobby/dining area of the inn, placing down their bags for a moment as the Master crawled on top of the bar in the dining portion of the lobby. Clearing his throat to speak.

"Alright, brats, after you set your things in your rooms. You can explore the city. But remember, we've been told to be back in our inn before 11:30," Gramps said, sitting his small Tush down on the bar. Asking Mirajane to fix him a mug of booze.

They all nodded and headed to the room, separating themselves and choosing the most fitting rooms. Some even decided to join together, leaving extra spaces for storage for the shoppers...

Once the rooms were decided and everyone had settled in, Tora chose to explore the city alone. She has never been to crocus... only to its outskirts for quests. The town was beautiful, everything from its fine and detailed architecture to its flowers. She visited every shop she came upon, but sadly today, she would not purchase anything.

By the time she was done exploring, the sun was almost set. The darkness of the night slowly creeping over the city. So she decided it was time to head back. She began walking in the direction of Fairy Tail's inn...she stopped at the site of a large group of people cheering and yelling by the city's core. All gathered by the large fountain of Crocus.

She was going to choose to ignore the loud commotion... but a strong scent of smoke and ash hit her nose, Natsu's scent. Thinking to herself, 'He's already at it!'.

She walked towards the group and pushed her way towards the middle. After a few seconds of struggling between the bodies of sweaty and smelling men..., she finally made it to the clear center of the commotion. She notices that Natsu, Happy, and Lucy were here with a Black-haired man, a Blonde haired man, a maroon cat, and a green cat wearing a pink frog costume who looked very similar to Happy, Carla and Pantherlily. More exceeds? She guessed.

"Natsu, we were only here for a half of a day if not less, and you're already causing trouble!!" she scolded, glaring down at him as he was practically lying on the ground. He quickly jumped up to his feet, ready to complain but Happy bet him to it.

"But these sabers started it, Tory!" Happy said, pointing over at the others who were only a few feet away... unconscious people littering the ground around them.

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