『 6 』

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Date created: 08/19/16

Date Updated: 01/24/21

Date Finished: 01/25/21

Author's Notes: Author-chan has found motivation once again! So updates may be faster than usual.

Warnings: Kissy kiss scene 🥺

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『 6: The Date! 』

After today's games were over, they all returned to the inn to celebrate today's victory—everyone coward, around the bar. Surprisingly, Bacchus had joined them and drank with Cana...

"Wow, she finally has somebody who can drink as much as her," Lucy said, watching them.

"Yeah, but Tora was tied with her a couple of times before," Levy said, looking over at the blonde woman beside her.

"That's because I was highly pissed those times," Tora said, watching the two. Finally, Cana clocked out cold. Leaving Bacchus the victor of their little drinking game. His prize? well...her short cut shirt. 'Thank god Gildarts wasn't here.'

The little celebration party continued for hours into the night. Tora checked the clock that hung above the bar. It was only 7:20 pm, but it was almost time for her..you know.

"Well, I'm gonna head to my room and take a long hot bath," she lied, trying not to make it so obvious.

"Oh alright, we'll see you tomorrow!" the girls smiled at her. She waved at them then walked upstairs to the bedrooms.. it wasn't so much of a lie. She was going to take a hot shower...


After she prepared herself, Tora snook out of the inn through her window, using the lightning body to travel down the street away from the inn. Once she was out of sight, she began walking towards the central park Sting mentioned. It was only a few minutes' walks from the inn. She started walking towards the fountain that sat in the middle. She saw that he was already there, waiting—such a gentleman.

"Hey," She said, walking up to the male.

He turned and smiled at her. "Hey there, hah, you look amazing," he said gently, then offered his hand.

She looked at him a little confused... it seems weird to not see him as his cocky self. She slowly accepted it, and he grinned. Pulling her with him as he made his way out of the park.

"So, where are you taking me?" Tora asked, looking away to hide her blush. This may be to soon..hell they didn't even truly know each other. But whenever he was around..she felt happy? Warm? Just like those cache romantics...butterflies?. Every time he touched her, starling sensations erupted where his skin met hers.

He chuckled, then glanced over at her. "Somewhere special, I guess," he replied, then led her towards a tall hill on the outskirts of Crocus.

Once they reach the top, Tora gasped softly at the scene before her. There was a blanket with a woven basket on the ground, candles were lit all around, and even some on the tree behind the setup.

"W...wow....did you do this?" She asked in amazement, cache yes...but it was beautiful.

"Yeah... but with a little help from a friend," he said, pulling her over to the blanket and motioned for her to sit. Sitting next to her.

The Stars shone brightly above them as they ate dinner. That sting supposedly made all himself. Nothing fancy, classic alfredo...you know, cause it's white? After eating, Sting put up everything, then laid down and looked up at the night sky, patting the spot next to him. Wanting her to do the same.

She did as he wanted, laying right next to him and looked up at the universe's artwork. After a long comfortable silence, Tora took a glance at Sting. 'Is this his real self' she began to think to herself?  He was a completely different man than what he made himself seem. Suddenly her heart began racing. 'Am I falling for him?.... Why do I feel like this..we just met?'.

"Hey, Sting," she said. Turning her focus back to the stars. He hummed in response then looked over at her.

"Why did you do this?" She asked.

He stared at her for a moment, softly chewing on the inside of his lip. "Maybe because I'm falling for you?"  he said softly. Her eyes widened then she quickly sat up. Staring at him.

"W...what?" She said in shock. He sat up as well and looked at her with such a serious expression..the one like before.

"Y... Yeah......ever since I saw you......I couldn't stop thinking of you? Your scent drives me crazy when I'm near you. Damn, I can smell you a mile away. I always want to be near you..... You're my mate Tora, and I believe I'm falling hard even if this is sudden," he said, rubbing the side of his neck as he glanced away.

'Mates' that word ranged through her head. She remembered her mother mentioning mates before..but she believed it was just for actual dragons..was that the feeling she had? The sudden attraction? The desire for him to watch her? That Sting was her mate as she was his?

She gasped softly at the realization. She was just shocked that the rate of everything. They were basically strangers yet falling for each other. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.. she didn't know what to say.

That was until Sting leaned closer to her. Staring into her eyes, then he closed the distance between them. His lips softly landing on hers.

Tora's eyes widened even more as the sparking sensation intensifies greatly in her body. 'He.....he kissing me?'.

She then began to relax, melting into the feeling. The kiss was soft and gentle. His hand snaking up to cup her cheek. But then she felt his tongue rub across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She decided to tease him and deny him the access he wanted.

She smirked as she kept her lips sealed, earning a low growl from him. She thought she had won that little game until he grabs ahold of her bottom lip with his sharp fangs. Tora released a gasp at the sudden small pain, and of course, he took that chance to enter her mouth.

He explored every curve and crevice of her mouth. A small moan escaped from her throat, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to him. Then their tongues met. Clashing with one another in a fierce battle for dominance. The small battle lasted for a few moments, seeing how both were stronger willed and stubborn. But in the end, Sting had won and claimed her.

Sadly as all good things start, they had to end. Tora was running out of oxygen. Tapping the back of his head, asking for him to let her go. He released her, slowly pulling away from her lips. Softly smirking seeing the pleasurable expression she wore. 

Tora's cheeks were flushed red as she panted. Her lips swollen from the kiss they just shared.

"So this means that you accept me?" He asked. Gently rubbing circles on her hips.

Tora playfully rolled her eyes and smiled, "Yes, you idiot~" she teased, softly giggling as his face lit up in such happiness.

Sting tackled her down onto the blanket, hovering above her with the eyes of a little boy.

"Guess I should be a gentleman, huh? Hah, then do you, Tora Dreyer, would you do me a great honor in becoming my girlfriend and mate?"

A soft smile tugged at her lips, reaching up to place a hand on his cheek, "Of course I will," she said softly as she leaned up and softly kissed him.

But then she pulled away with a pout. Remembering one issue...

"But one major problem well...two," she mumbled at the thought.

"What is that?" Sting asked, looking at her confused. Fear grew in him when she mentioned that there were some problems.

"My brother...and your guild." 


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