『 4 』

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Date created: 07/31/16

Date Updated: 01/21/21

Date Finished: 01/22/21

Author's Notes: AUTHOR-CHAN IS SO SORRY FOR THE LAST UPDATES- Also this chapter will be short. I tried adding on, but with this scene. It was difficult without going into another. Soooo yeah-

Warnings: None

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『 3: Saved by the player?』

After about two hours of hard going partying, Tora decided to step outside for fresh air. There was no way she could go to bed with everyone being so loud and drinking. Well, it just Natsu and Grey honestly.. with a hint of Gajeel's terrible singing.

She walked down the streets of Crocus, admiring the night of the city. The street lights dotted the street as the arena glowed upon the rest where no light touched the darkness. Such a beautiful view. But as expected, something was bound to ruin it. 

She was minding her own business, trying to enjoy the quiet night as three men approached her from in front of her. Stumbling and laughing until she was well within their sight, cat calling her with whistles. They were clearly drunk and looking for some "fun".

"Hey there beautiful~" one said, a disgusting smirk growing on his lips. His cheek glowing red from how intoxicated he was.

"You wanna have some fun sweet cheeks?~ it's going to be a blast" another asked, trying to step closer to her.

She could smell the strong scent of booze in their breaths, most definitely drunk.. too far in the alcohol to have any sense of what they were trying to do.

"Hell no, I don't play with drunks. So move on and go to bed if you know what's best for you" she mumbled, she did not have the patience to deal with horny drunk men. She began to walk away but one of the men so bravely grabbed her arm. Stopping her from taking another step away from them.

"Let me go" she growled lowly, making sure to sound out each syllable with pure venom. But he didn't listen whatsoever. As if that he heard instead; "TaKe mE". The other two had stepped closer to her sides. Surrounding her and cornering her against the one that held her.

"Come on girlie, we just want to have fun~," the third one said on her left, reaching out to touch her...

"Well I don't want to, so back off!" she snapped, inhaling a breath. Ready to blast these disgusting men away with a mighty roar.

But before she had the chance, the one that held her grabbed her face with his other hand. Squeezing her cheeks roughly where she couldn't do anything. Only to growl deeply in her throat.

While she was immobilized from her magic, the second man who was on her right reached out for her shirt. As his fingers graced the bottom of the cloth, before his hand could get an inch closer to her. There was a sudden white flash.

Some sort of beam had collided in the man, throwing him back into the brick wall of a store.

He was lying motionless on the ground. The other two released her and backed away. Very confused about what just happened to their friend. Tora took this chance for a little revenge. Turning to the man that had the audacity to touch her.

She hopped up and twisted her body around, round housing the man's jaw with a rough kick. Smirking to herself as he fell straight to the ground. 'K.O' she thought. But then there was another flash of white and a strong scent of rain and vanilla past her...

"What the?" she mumbled to herself.

She then heard a chuckle, quickly turning to see Sting with his overly cocky smirk. A foot resting onto the man's head he just took down.

"What do you want?" Tora huffed out realizing it was him. Maybe that was a bit rude...

"Well I did just save your life....so something in return," he said then looked at her, his smirk turning into a serious expression.

"Like what?" raising an eyebrow at his statement. 'Greedy bastard-'

"Mmmm I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know when I do" he said with a shrug. Oh, the audacity!

"Then I have to get back now...so bye," She said, turning from him and started walking away until he took a few steps and grabbed her arm.

"I know now, You have to go on a date with me"

"What!" She exclaimed, looking at the blonde male in pure shock. A small blush creeping into her cheeks- Wait why was she blushing? He's clearly a player, as well as an enemy guild member.

"Yep a date"

Tora just stared at him, processing what he said 'Why would he want to go on a date with me?....but he did help me though. It would be disgraceful to not return that debt' she thought...

"Fine, it's only fair....when and where?" She mumbled loud enough so he could hear. 'The other would kill me if they knew..'

He gave her a grin, "Tomorrow at eight pm in the center of the park" he said then let go of her. She swore he had an excited look in his eyes. But just as quickly as it appeared, was covered by the sly smirk that grew on his lips. With that smirk, he leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before turning and walking away. Throwing a hand up to wave at her.

"See you then princess, stay out of trouble m'kay?" He called out before disappearing out of sight.

Tora stood there dumbfounded, staring in the direction he went.  'He...he kissed me?' She softly touched the spot his lips touched... there was a soft tingling feeling lingering in her skin.

She quickly shook the feeling off and walked back to the hotel before anyone became suspicious of her disappearance. 

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