What Happens When You Stop Procrastinating - Chapter 6

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"Wait so you've lived here how long now?"

"Nearly a month."

"And you've never been to the city or the train."


"Like some sort of.. Chicago-train-virgin." Jake's face, next to me on the commuting train contorted. He was wearing a denim jacket that caught the light to form faded patches of blue, over a green t-shirt with a pair of jeans.

"That's one way you could put it!" He exclaimed back. From the window you could see that we were approaching the large city. Buildings came closer together, like a box of sardines, and more and more of those buildings had large ass glass windows. From his pocket, Jake pulled out a small map of the city from his pocket, all tourist styled and shit. "Okay, explain which of these places we're going to I'm still confused as a pickle placed in white wine to be pickled."

"Daddy D knows where we're going off by heart." Jake raised a challenging eyebrow at me, while I mentally face palmed.

"Daddy D-"

"You know Dirk is just one letter away from dork."

"I"ll say that again when the sun explodes and turns into an all sucking black hole."

"Dirk the dork-"

"We're going to Millenium Park, which is conveniently next to the Art Institue, and Navy Pier in no particular order, and then just wherever in between."

"Whoa." Jakes heels dug into the ground as I grabbed onto his wrist attempting to drag him into continuing. His eyes stared over a small river that ran under the casual bridge we stood on. On either side of the banks were restaurants.

"English we have 3 hours. That's only barely enough hours for them to set drinks onto a wedding table - stop getting distracted at every corner."

"What's this place called."

"I don't fucking know - that's shiny building, that's shiny building, that's other modern, shiny building." 

"It's freakin' amazing!" He stared back around at me momentarily, like he was checking my reaction and then he quickly went for the map he'd stuffed back into his pocket. Looking at where we were he suddenly looked over and nearly threw himself over the bridge pointing while saying "That's the Corn Cob building, that's the Wrigley Building." 


"Oh sorry, I forgot you live here." He quickly added. 

"Jake, you live here too now." 

"Yeah, but I'm still a godfearing tourist." 

I rolled my eyes as obviously as possible. "Come on, let's go to the art institute." 


Feet waddled around in the puddle of water surrounding crown fountain that were placed parallel to one another. "What's your favorite exhibit at the art institute?" 

"I dunno. I liked the robot modern art sorta thing." I replied sitting down on the floor as close to the pool of water surrounding the crown fountain as possible, without getting wet. In between talking, I let pieces of a still hot hot dog stroll down my throat. 

"That was delightful!" Jake looked down at the aluminium wrapped hot dog, which had condements spewing from every side. "Where are these from again?" He asked, nearly forgetting to swallow from excitement. He fit in with all of the toddlers that were running about the place. 

<3// Pen..Pals? //<> - (A DirkJake Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now