The Last Text - Prologue 1

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Hey dirk its just jake from his phone (this number probably looks very strange to you). I dont think you saw my email it was on such short notice. Anyways im off to illinois with a connecting flight in toronto in about half an hour. its 7am here so its probably really late for you or too early im not precisely sure about how time differences work between illinois and the british countryside. This is..really a baffle i have no clue how i am to react to this. Isnt that strange considering weve known each other for more than half our lifes? Things are different when you have thousands of miles between where you live and still just a sheet of paper. Thats all really ill be in your vicinity in about 9 hours ill give you a call then. 


Jake Missed Call (2)

You have one new message. 

"Hey Dirk! I just arrived here in the land of the free! I'm very tired despite the coffee I had but other than that it's just REALLY *HOT* HERE. You're not answering your phone, you're probably asleep after staying up all night making some awesome robot. Actually, I know for a fact you werent staying up but I dont know whent this messageisgoingtocutmeoffsoimjustgoingtogo-Bye!" 


I hung up the phone and pursed my lips. Bugger! He's probably far off in a sleep right now. A long sigh escapes me before I look over at Grandma. O'Hare airport continued to buzz around us and even though she seemed tired her green eyes still shone bright. "America." She sighed, smiling at me. "A new life." 

"Indeed." I replied back and we got our bags and started moving out of the main building into the fresh summer air. 

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