chapter 7: termination

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You teleport back to foundation and turn in your report on the findings and mappings of the infinite IKEA store and you go straight to your room where your indestructible girlfriend latches onto you and kisses you roughly.

Scientist: um, y/n? The O5 sent you an assignment
They seem pretty urgent on it...

Jane: aww...

Y/n: yeah, don't worry sweetie I'll be back

You go out and receive an anomalous message via a computer screen. It scans your eyes, your fingerprints and then you have to use your telekinesis like a jedi holocron. It must be something important to use a triple security monitor. In any case it boots up and brenda the 05 and you with some...history. briefs you on the message.

Brenda: hello y/n, we have something important we need from you

Y/n: is this live or...

Brenda: when this message self destructs it will take the message with it.
A paper will dispense with your orders and then it will retract into the machine. I assure you 5 seconds is more than enough time...

After that an old looking paper pops out and you look at it then your eyes widen.

Y/n: do you know what your asking? I can't guarantee this, I'm not even sure I can catch him

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Y/n: do you know what your asking? I can't guarantee this, I'm not even sure I can catch him

Brenda: the foundation has faith in you, we'll supply any information and resources you need

Y/n: I need access to the ester moon, and the teleport proof room in the upper parts of Canada 

The paper goes back in. And the self destruct timer starts.

Brenda: ...alright

Y/n: 4 expendable D-class with military training, armed with flamethrowers, with instructions to burn scp-4666 and melt all the snow in their range

Brenda: alright we can cover that...

Y/n: and most importantly...
48 ounces of medium well done steak

Brenda: what for?

Y/n: firstly, THAT'S what you need to ask about?
And secondly, for me
Im craving steak

Brenda: ok, it'll be waiting for you at the teleport proof site

The timer ends and the monitor explodes with the force of 10 sticks of dynamite as the room is scorched around you. You're completely fine of course as in 1 hour 4 d-class with flamethrowers show up.

D-class: where do you need us boss?

Y/n: I'll teleport us there

You do so and there is a massive black box with a set of doors that could fit a dinosaur. And two smaller doors that fit a person.

(ON HOLD)female scp Harem x Powerful psychic male readerWhere stories live. Discover now