chapter 12: ice cold buck

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The three sisters tackle you and try to push you over, though without their reality warping abilities they aren't able to move you all that much.

Middle sister: oi!! What's goin on then? This bloke shouldn't be this strong now

Eldest sister: it seems our abilities can't effect him directly...

Youngest: tasty~

The youngest sister licks you neck after climbing up to it since you're 2 feet taller than her.

Eldest: sister, get down from there!

She ignores her older sister and starts making out with you.

Youngest: mmmh~♡

Middle: welp, I suppose we just work on down 'ere while our lil sis keeps the mountain man occupied up there

Eldest: I suppose it can't be helped

They both take down your pants and underwear as they start licking the shaft.

Middle: blimy! This bloke got a whole cannon stuffed in his trousers he does!

The eldest sister sucks on the tip while the middle keeps licking the shaft.
You probably could throw them all off buuuuut...this is a good 4 way with three hot chicks, and since you're not gay or saving yourself then...when in Rome, have a orgy.

Middle: I think this bloke is almost ready~ I can feel his balls about to empty~~♡

The eldest sister throats most of you and she takes it all as you came down her throat.

Middle: there he blows!! ☺️

The eldest sister points your dick at the middle sister and sprays her face with jizz.


Eldest: didn't you want it?

Middle: i... well yeah I suppose I did

Youngest: my turn 😋

(A few hours later)

You leave the sisters completely covered and get your clothes back on.

Y/n: well...that happened...

You teleport back to the foundation and give your report to how they respond to a being they cant control.

05 # 4: only mild irritation, that's surprising

Brenda: indeed, I thought the fallout would be more severe

05 #1: well, a deal is a deal

Brenda: yes!! I knew y/n would be fine!

You leave them to their devices as you get a call on the urgency line.

Y/n: what's up?

???: I was told to tell you we have a code orange!

Y/n: 999 escaped?

???: huh?? Oh uh...
I mean...a code yellow

Y/n: a superpowered riot?

??? 2: we need you at mount Everest!! Now!

???: y-yeah, what she said

You just shrug and teleport to the skies of mount Everest and you see a helicopter nearby as you teleport in next to some guy and woman scientist across from buck.

Y/n: I miss anything?

Scientist: AHH!!

Guy: woah!
That was fast

(ON HOLD)female scp Harem x Powerful psychic male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon