chapter 4: y/n vs 001

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You and brenda leave in a truck as you just reshape the truck passenger side to have more room and for the seat to recline.

Y/n: you know, it just occurred to me but
Why don't you just send me to do literally everything? Contain breaches, study new things about scps. Maybe talk to 343 with more questions.
Torture 049 with logical inconsistencies about his "pestilence"

Brenda: all very tempting ideas...
But right now we want you to get as close as you can to scp-001 and the portal as close as you can

Y/n: you know according to 682 that's not even the real garden is way west of here

Brenda: scp-2746...
That's what we actually need you find out if what 682 said was true

Y/n: I don't think the angel is gonna just tell me
It doesn't exactly make great conversation

Brenda: we'll see...y/ case you don't survive

Y/n: I'll survive, I have plot armor

Brenda: cute

You both arrive at the site where you drove all the way through the desert. You go up to where there's quite a large amount of people.

Y/n: there a convention out here or what?

???: you're late

Y/n: nice to meet you to buck

Y/n: nice to meet you to buck

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Dr. Buck: its dr. Buck, and this is a very important event so we can't have anyone be late, honestly if it was anyone else they would be fired for incompetence

Y/n: yeah, I would have been here faster if it wasn't suggested that I ride in a truck. Who made that suggestion? Oh yeah, YOU did...
Am I supposed to ignore your suggestions now? How about you have yourself fired for incompetence

The woman looks at you with annoyance or slight irritation it's kinda hard to tell. Ironically you outrank her but instead of telling her it's more entertaining to just watch her make an idiot out of herself by trying to talk down to her superior.

Y/n: so I guess since we kept everyone waiting so long
We might as well get underway

Dr. Buck: what do you mean we?

Y/n: you know exactly what I mean

You crack your neck and head into the Angel's attack range and you hear a voice in your head.

Angel: leave

You feel the angel trying to influence your body but you resist it.

Y/n: sry, I can't go yet

You rush at the angel and it's blade strikes at you knocking you back miles away, you try to teleport back and it doesn't work so you just fly, the angel swings at you again but you persevere power through the burns despite feeling pain for the first time in a while.

(ON HOLD)female scp Harem x Powerful psychic male readerWhere stories live. Discover now