Chapter 4

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3rd person POV

Vega walked with Cissy to the garden.

"I hate for this. It's tearing us to pieces." Vega said to Cissy.

"I hate it too but Bella really did change a lot. Didn't she?" Cissy said.

"Yeah... I mean dad is also the problem. He tortures Bella too much." Vega said.

Bella then apparated to them.

"Bella, what is it again?" Vega asked.

"Come on, we need to check on Andromeda." Bella said.

"You have to give her time for work." Cissy said, rolling her eyes.

"No, she's not at work, not at Gringgots." Bella said.

"Wait what?" Vega asked, curiously.

"Then, where is she?" Vega continued.

"I'll show you if you follow me." Bella said.

Cissy and Vega nodded. Bella put her hand out. Vega and Cissy held her hand and they apparated.

At the forest
Vega, Cissy and Bella apparated to the forest together.

"Bella, are you sure about this?" Vega asked Bella.

"100%, we don't know what she's doing here." Bella pulled Cissy and Vega to the forest.

Vega's POV
I ran with the both of my sisters in front and saw Andy with Ted. They were holding hands.

"Andromeda!" I yelled. The both of them looked back.

Her eyes widened.

"What's going on here?" Cissy asks, running from the back.

"You really thought you can hide this from me?!" Bella asked while laughing.

"It's okay, I can handle this." Ted says, grabbing his wand.

"No, Ted. Bella, this is my choice. Vega, I know you-" she says but gets cutted.

"You fool! After all pureblood, you chose that filthy little mudblood!" I yelled.

"Don't call him that!" Andy yelled.

"What is this?! How long has this been going?!" Cissy says.

"Since the Weird Sisters gig." Andy replied, with a small smile.

"Remember the day we were at the forest. When we saw the mudblood right here." Bella said.

I pulled Andy and pushed her to a tree.

"Explain yourself!" I said.

"Hey!" Ted said, getting his wand.

"Stupefy!" Bella said. Ted fell down. Cissy pulled her wand and pointed it at Ted.

"I tried to tell you! Did you really think I got a job at Gringgots?!" Andy tried explaining herself.

"I can't believe it! You lied to us! We were your sisters!" I yelled.

"All those nights.. you were with him instead of spending your time with your sisters!" I yelled again.

"Because unlike you three, I don't care!" Andy yelled.

"I don't care power, or rich, or magical! We're all magical! It didn't matter to me. You all are living your lifes without love!" She said pushing me.

"I love you!" I said pushing her back. "Me and Aries, Cissy and Lucius, all are purebloods but we still love each other!" I said again.

"How on earth marrying Ted taints the family?" Andy asked.

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