Chapter 8

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Vega's POV

"Come, Aurora." I called, letting my hand out. I notice Cissy nodding to Draco. Draco sighed and walked to us. I looked at Aurora. Aurora walked to me. I hugged her and went behind the death eaters. I also saw Draco and Cissy.

"Hey Aurora." I whispered to her, fixing her hair.

"I hate you." Aurora said, wiping her tear.

"Aurora, dear. I have a plan." I said. She looked at me in shock. I walked further back with Aurora from the death eaters so they won't hear.

"Aurora, Harry is not dead. I lied to the Dark Lord." I whispered. She gasped.

"I need you to run there when Harry wakes up. Run to your friends while tossing your wand." I said, then hugged her. I took my wand out.

"Here use this for your safety." I said, smiling at her.

"Thank you, mom." Aurora said, hugging me. I smiled.

"Promise me to stay safe." I said, she nodded.

"Let's get you in front." I said, walking with Aurora. I was beside Aries. After a few of Neville's speech, he pulled the sword out. Harry woke up.

"Go!" I whispered. Aurora ran and tossed the wand to him. She has my wand and protects herself.

"Confringo!" Harry casted to Nagini. The death eaters left. Some didn't. I ran to Cissy and Draco.

"Stay safe. Use my wand." Cissy said, giving her wand. I took her wand and hugged her.

"Don't die." I said, winking at her. She chuckled and went away. I went to the battle. I had enough of Bellatrix. I went in to the Great Hall to see death eaters fighting the students. I turned to look at Aurora fighting Bellatrix.

"Stupefy!" Bellatrix casted. I ran to Aurora, helping her up. I put my wand up.

"I had enough of you!" I said, casting the stupefy spell. She casted a few spells at me. But I could handle it all easily.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I casted, freezing Bellatrix.

"This is for what you did to our family." I said, casting a killing spell that killed her.

"Thank you, mom." Aurora smiled.

The battle went on and on. And suddenly, the war stops. The death eaters lost. I apparated home. I was happy that the death eaters lost.

"Sorry Bella." I said, looking at the picture in my room.

19 years passed...

I was old. My daughter is a mother now. She end up with Harry, a halfblood. Aries and I agreed to not be mad about the pureblood line anymore. We just wanted our daughter to be happy.

My grandchild are James, Albus and Lily.

Cissy, Andy and I built sisterhood after Bella died. We felt more free.

All those adventures. They were fun...


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading. This chapter is short, but I feel so appreciated that people read my story.

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Let's hope this pandemic ends fast :(

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