Chapter 7

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3rd Person's POV

The boys got out of the dungeon unknowingly how. Vega and Cissy immediately stepped forward and fought the two boys.

"Stop!" A girl yelled. We all turn to the source of the voice. Bella put a dagger on the girl's neck.

"Put the wands down." Bella said, nicely. The boys put their wands down and Cissy took their wands and passed it to Draco.

"Go on, Draco! Call him!" Bella said. Draco looked worried. Lucius stepped forward and tries to call the Dark Lord.

The ceiling creaked. Everyone looked up to the ceiling. Dobby was getting the lamp off. The lamp fell. Bella pushed Hermione and ran backwards.

"Stupefy!" Aurora said, pushing Aries.

Vega's POV
"Aurora!" I yelled. Aurora took her friend's wands from Draco and ran to them.

"Stupefy!" Potter casted a spell to Lucius. Narcissa was about to cast a spell but Dobby took the wand.

I casted the spell to the trio, but Aurora was faster. Aurora casted a spell that made a wound on my hand.

"How dare you betray us?! How dare you define your master, Dobby! How dare you treat your  parents like that!" Bella yelled at them.

"Aurora!" I yelled. She shook her head.

"Dobby has no master. And Dobby is here to help Harry Potter and his friends!" Dobby said. The other reached for Dobby's hand, ready to apparate.

"Bella, no!" I yelled. Bella threw a dagger to them.

They dissapeared into thin air.

"Bella!" Cissy yelled at her.

"That could endanger Aurora, Bella!" I yelled at her, pushing her.

"She's a traitor! A filthy Gryffindor." Bella said. I rolled my eyes.

"She's 15!" I yelled again. That's the start of the argument.

"And?" Bella asked. I was annoyed at her behavior.

"Don't speak to me like that!" Bella yelled, pushing me backwards. I gritted my teeth madly.

"This is why Andromeda left!" I yelled at her.

"You don't speak her name.. IN FRONT OF ME!" Bella yelled, pushing me once more. Cissy put her hand on my shoulder. I really want to duel Bella but I'll definitely loose.

Time skip.
We went to Hogwarts for a battle. Hogwarts was shielded. I was worried for Aurora. She is just a girl. Suddenly, a death eater was murdered by Voldemort.

I notice Cissy gave Draco her wand. He apparated in Hogwarts in a second.

The death eaters destroyed the protection in Hogwarts.

Some ran to the wooden bridge and some immediately apparated in. I apparated in with Aries.

"You use the killing spell now. It's a real war!" Aries told me, before attacking the students. I felt bad for the first year students.

"Expelliarmus!" A student casted. I repel the spell.

I saw Bella running in the castle. I know I can't leave her alone or she'll kill too much innocent students

Bella apparated to the top of the tower. I followed behind.

"Bella! You are out of your mind! You shouldn't kill innocent-" I said, but Bella pointed her wand at me.

"Be quiet! This is a battle, Vega! Learn!" Bella yelled, running to somewhere else. I followed behind her.

"Stupefy!" A student casted at me.

"Expelliarmus!" I casted at the first year student.

"Stupefy!" I casted which made the student fall. I ran after Bella.

"Bellatrix!" I yelled, running up the stairs. I reached up there to see Bella fighting 2 students. She is stupid as hell.

"Confringo." A person casted, but I casted a protego spell.

"Vega Torsney, is it?" The girl asked. She looked like Andromeda.

"Yes. How did you know?" I asked, suspiciously.

"My mother is Andromeda and Ted Tonks." The girl said. I remember that Andromeda sent me a letter that the girl's name was Nymphadora.

"Stupefy!" Bella casted.

"Bella!" I yelled at her. She pushed me.

"You don't talk to this girl. This girl is that mudblood's child." Bella said. A duel happened.

"Stupefy!" I casted at the man coming.

"Avada Kedavra!" Aries casted at the man. I gasped.

"No!" Nymphadora yelled. I turned to look at her still battling Bella.

"Bella!" I yelled.

"Avada Kedavra!" Bella casted, instantly killing the girl.

"Bella! You lost your mind!" I pushed her.

"Get over Andromeda, Vega! She's a traitor!" Bella yelled at me before running to somewhere else.

"I'm gonna kill Bella myself." I said, following Bella.

The war stopped after a while. I followed Cissy to the Forbidden Forest with the death eaters.

Voldemort was putting a sound on everyone's ear, including the death eaters. But us, death eaters cannot react to it. I saw Hagrid getting caught and I felt bad.

In half an hour, Harry came. My eyes widened as I see him.

"Harry? No!" Hagrid yelled.

"Quiet!" A death eater yelled.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort casted. Harry fell to the ground and Voldemort too. My eyes widened when I see the boy fall.

After a few minutes, Voldemort woke up. I was ordered to check if Harry was alive or not. I walked to him and touched his neck. He was definetely breathing.

"Aurora?" I whispered very quiet. He nodded slowly, trying to not get caught. I stood up and looked at the death eaters, who were looking at me.

"Dead." I sighed.

Aurora's POV

Mother and father never knew that I liked Potter. Mother would be find about it, but father...? I don't know.

I walked out of Hogwarts and saw te death eaters.

"Who's that?" I asked Neville.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort told.

Vega's POV

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yelled. I was beside Bella, who was smiling brightly. I could see Aurora with fear in her eyes.

"No! No! NO!" Aurora yelled. Draco pulled her. I sighed in relief.

"Stupid girl."

"Harry Potter is dead." Voldemort told the death eaters. The death eaters laughed out loudly, especially Bella. I faked my laughter.

"Put your faith in me." Voldemort said.

"Aurora." Aries called. Aurora teared.

"Aurora, Draco. Come." Cissy said. They weren't sure.

"Aurora." I said, putting my hand out.


Thank you again for reading this story ❤️. I guess we're doing this really fast.

Just one last chapter and the story will be finish.

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