Chapter 1: The Lamp

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Hey guys! I'm back with a third book (^.^) I hope you'll like this one too! 

If you have any requests, let me know :) I've only just started writing this third book anyway!

Enjoy reading~


Chapter 1: The Lamp

It was almost dawn in Wexford, Ireland. The town lay quietly near the beach, most of its inhabitants still fast asleep. It was Summer, and who wanted to wake up at sunrise during their holiday? Sleeping in was the way to go, and almost everyone in Wexford agreed. There was the occasional early bird, but now that it was mid-Summer and the sun rose at five in the morning, it was way too early for anyone to be awake.

All the houses were dark, no lights had been turned on yet. However, at the end of the street, there was a house where a strange flickering light appeared every so often...


"Lumos maxima..."

A soft sigh. It wasn't working well enough.

"Lumos maxima...!"

He couldn't whisper much louder than this! He was going to wake up his parents!

"C'mon, lumos maxima!"

The door to his bedroom opened and he let out a gasp in surprise, almost dropping his wand as he snapped his head to the door of his bedroom that was now wide open.

"Jimin-hyung~ what are you doing~" Jimin's younger brother Jihyun whined, sleepily rubbing his eyes. He was wearing his pajamas, his hair a mess. "You know I sleep in the room next to you."

Jimin quickly put out the small light that had appeared from his wand and gave Jihyun an apologetic look. He'd been worried about waking up his parents, forgetting his brother was also fast asleep next door. 

"I'm sorry, Hyunnie... I had to practice, I couldn't sleep because I'm not finished with any of my homework yet and I'm stressing out!" Jimin exclaimed, to which Jihyun hissed at him to be quiet or their mom and dad would wake up. Jimin quickly shut his mouth, lowering his arms which he had thrown up in exasperation. 

"Since when are you so stressed? You told me you passed all your classes in the past two years!" Jihyun said with a pout.

Jimin grimaced. "I did... but this Summer has been a little different... next year will be different too..."

Jihyun knew what Jimin meant, he didn't have to question it. He was completely up to date.  Jimin had told him everything about what had happened last year at Hogwarts – and the year before that too. Jihyun was going to go to Hogwarts himself this year and he wanted to be more than prepared. 

"Don't you think everything will have changed for the better?" Jihyun asked, sitting down next to his brother on the bed.

Jimin sighed and shook his head, looking close to miserable. "No... everyone will look at us differently... everyone will have their opinions. They probably fear us... and that will make them shun us out, shun Taehyungie out... I fear that things will be awful for him this year."

"At least the bad guys have been caught." Jihyun smiled. "You're safe now."

Jimin didn't reply to that, because frankly- he wasn't so sure about that. Yoongi had told them what his parents had said the last time he saw them. While the castle was burning, they told Yoongi about the prophecy. Things weren't over yet.

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