Chapter 14: Getting in Trouble

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This is far from proofread so please point out mistakes so I can fix them XD.
It's quite a long chapter, so I hope it's not too boring! There's a lot going on... I hope everything still makes sense! Let me know what you think <3 Enjoy reading~


Two days later, on a boring Tuesday afternoon, Jin and Namjoon were still in the infirmary. Namjoon appeared to have a few very bruised-nearly-broken bones, which was why he had to stay for a bit, but he would be allowed to leave tomorrow. Jin's injury, on the other hand, was a little more severe and he'd have to stay until Friday.

Their friends had visited a lot, and the proof could be found on the nightstands next to Namjoon and Jin's beds. They'd brought all sorts of candy, and loads of books for Namjoon. He would go mad without his books.

"You haven't told me yet how your talk with McGonagall went on Saturday," Namjoon said, before taking a bite of chocolate.

Jin shrugged. "It wasn't anything note-worthy. I just told her we thought they should be checking up on Taehyung a little more, because we hadn't heard from him in a while. I couldn't exactly reveal that we'd fled from Hogsmeade to find him and that Jimin saw him running – and disappearing – through the streets."

Namjoon frowned. "But now she won't think it's urgent."

Jin laughed. "Well, I can be a bit dramatic when I want to, so I'm sure the message came across. She told me she'd look into it personally."

That made Namjoon's eyes widen in surprise. Professor McGonagall was their headmistress! He'd expected her to send someone she trusted to check on Taehyung, but not that she would take on the responsibility herself.

"Yeah, I was a little surprised too," Jin laughed when he saw Namjoon's surprised face. "But I guess it's a good thing, right? She'll find Taehyung, he can tell her what's up, then everything will be fine."

Namjoon smiled and nodded, though he felt a little uneasy. Would it really be that simple?

Oh well, he was glad that at least they had notified a teacher as soon as possible.

"How do you think the others are holding up? They visit often enough, but it's boring without them, huh?" Namjoon said, a fond smile on his face as he thought about his friends.

Jin let out a laugh. "Without us to keep them in check, I'm sure they're causing trouble."


And causing trouble they were.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was a mess. The fourth years were going at it and frankly; their professor did not have them under control.

Of course, today was another day that the fourth-year Gryffindors had a joined class with the Slytherins. Nothing unusual. It was, however, the first time after the last Quidditch game that these particular groups of fourth-years were all together again.

And the Gryffindors? They were pissed.

Today's class was a dueling class. The fourth-years were used to such classes, having spent years dueling already. The Gryffindors had thought it was the perfect time to take revenge on the Slytherins for jinxing their Quidditch players. They were supposed to duel using only disarming and defensive spells, but the Gryffindors were going full offense.

"What's up with you guys?! We're supposed to practice defense, didn't you hear the teacher?!"

Phineas and Heidi were teaming up against the two Slytherins who were the Beaters of their Quidditch team; Floyd Marble and Buck Bucket. Floyd was not a very good defense user, so he was yelling at how the two Gryffindors they were dueling against should stop using offense.

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