Chapter 10: He was there

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When you can't think of what picture to put at the top of the chapter, so you just choose one from a random street in Manchester XD


Jimin was walking as fast as he could. He didn't want to keep the others waiting for too long. They must've already started worrying about why he wasn't there yet. Jimin hoped Yoongi had heard what part of 'Manchester Cathedral' he had managed to say and that he could deduct where he had arrived... but he wasn't counting on it.

He couldn't assume Yoongi would know to go to a freaking cat café. He shouldn't assume.

Jimin followed the woman's directions closely, first crossing a road, then going straight for a while until he took a left turn.

Oh, how he wished he could use a cellphone to contact his friends. He had one at home, but it was no use to him outside the school vacations. At Hogwarts or in the wizarding world – even some places where many wizards lived such as Namjoon's house – cellphones wouldn't work. Electricity didn't work there, because magic interfered with it.

A flash of something caught Jimin's eye when he had taken the left turn. He had appeared on quite a busy street and as soon as he had passed a convenience store, he noticed something on the other side of the road, where a group of people was waiting for the lights to turn green so they could cross the road.

For a moment, Jimin felt a spark of fear creep up on him. What if his subconscious had noticed something bad?

But then he squinted his eyes – he really needed glasses – at the group of people as someone had run to join the group and Jimin's eyes widened when he saw the boy. He was panting, his hair looked like it was dyed a light brown, and he was resting his hands on his knees, looking like he was exhausted.

That boy... he looked an awful lot like Taehyung.

"Taehyung-ah." Jimin breathed out, taking steps towards the crosswalk.

If that was Taehyung, he had grown a lot over the summer. He... he looked almost as tall as Namjoon! Jimin would look like a dwarf next to him! Let alone Hoseok or Jungkook!

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled.

The boy's head shot up, and now Jimin was certain it was Taehyung. His eyes searched the crowd for who had called out his name, so Jimin waved his hands, now running towards the crosswalk.

Of course, right when Taehyung's eyes had found his, and a look of pure relief appeared on his face, the lights turned to green and everyone started walking.

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled again, moving in the opposite direction the flow of people was going.

Jimin felt chaos in his head. Taehyung was there, he was right there! He could just ask what was going on, help him, they didn't need to look for him after all!


Jimin felt nerves going through his entire body. Where was Taehyung? He had seen him just now, heard his voice even! He was... he had been right there! But Jimin... he kept looking around, but none of the boys he came across were Taehyung and before he knew it he was on the other side of the road, having crossed the crosswalk, but Taehyung wasn't there.

How wasn't he there?!

"Taehyung!" Jimin called out, looking around frantically. "Taehyung where did you go?!"

Jimin could feel his heart beating like crazy against his chest, could almost hear it even.

He turned around, looked from right to left, and peered across the crosswalk to see if Taehyung had crossed it instead, but he just- he couldn't see him! Jimin was losing his mind, had he truly even seen Taehyung? Taehyung had black hair, never dyed it, perhaps it wasn't him, and perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him when he heard Taehyung's voice call out his name and-

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