Chapter 5: The first task

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This chapter took a while, major writer's block damnnnn ahaha, I hope there are still people who enjoy reading this! Have fun~


Jin wasn't happy. He was not happy. This was one of the most important years of his education at Hogwarts; they would have their O.W.L.s at the end of the year! Besides that, he finally wanted to pay more attention to Quidditch again and have Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup. After last year's failure – honestly, Jungkook was a good seeker, but the only reason Ravenclaw won the Cup was that Jin had gotten detention from Crawford and, well, the entire school was burned down – he vowed to win this year.

So, again, this was an important year.

But of course, no year at Hogwarts could be normal. If there wasn't any evil to defeat, the teachers would find another way to make school even busier. Jin was annoyed that even the fifth-years would have to participate in this whole 'completing tasks' thing for the House Cup. Wasn't the stress of their O.W.L.s enough to keep them busy?

"Hyung, you look angry. What is it?" Jungkook asked him when they were busy writing their letters to Taehyung up in the owlery. Dinner was over and they wanted to send out some letters before doing their homework and going to bed.

"It's the first day of school," Jin said through gritted teeth, "and we already have way too much to do. The teachers today, you should've heard them! They kept going on and on about O.W.L.s and our careers! And now they expect me to complete tasks in my free time to win us the House Cup? While everyone also expects me to keep my Quidditch game up to scratch!"

Jungkook grimaced. "That does sound like you've got your hands full. But why do they expect you to complete the tasks? You're not the only Gryffindor in your year."

"Yeah, but I am a Prefect, and that somehow gives people enough reason to put this on me." Jin sighed, finishing his letter with his name and a little drawing of his frog.

Jin had gotten the Hogwarts letter about a week ago. His and Jungkook's parents had been so proud. Neither of them had been a Prefect and they had always wanted their sons to become one. Jin wasn't sure if he liked it. He felt honoured that Professor McGonagall deemed him worthy of the job, but he couldn't quite understand it. Hadn't he gotten into way too much trouble to become a prefect?

Jungkook had told everyone that he had known for years that Jin would become a Prefect. His older brother had the attitude of a leader and none of the Gryffindors looked down on him. They respected him, and not only because he was the best Quidditch Keeper most had ever seen.

"I'm curious what the first task will be like," Jungkook mumbled, now also finishing his letter and handing it to Willow, his pretty barn owl. "To Taehyung Kim, you know where to find him," he whispered to her. She flew off just as Jin handed his letter to a borrowed school owl. He couldn't use his frog to send letters, after all.

"Could be some sort of riddle." Jin shrugged. "You'd do great at that."

Jungkook chuckled. "I've gotten better, yes, but I've learned not to think too complicated for the riddles to get into our common room."

Jin raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean? Those riddles are bloody difficult, I don't think I've ever gotten one right."

"You've tried?" Jungkook laughed.

"Of course!" Jin replied in an obvious tone, before sending the school owl off to Taehyung's house. "One of my friends dared me once in my third year. Was around the time that Namjoon managed to solve one for you."

Jungkook remembered that time. He'd been pondering over the right answer for hours until Namjoon walked up to the Ravenclaw tower and helped him out. Jungkook hadn't been feeling all that much at home in his House at that time, but right now it felt like home, even though he didn't exactly have many friends. The few guys in his year he shared a dorm with were alright, but his actual friends were mostly found outside Ravenclaw.

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