Chapter 3: McGonagall's Office

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Yoongi yawned loudly as he walked through the corridors behind the rest of the boys. He did not like having to wake up early, let alone earlier than necessary. It was only their first day of school and he had already missed hours of sleep. He was grumbling incoherent things at the boys until Jin turned around.

"Yah! Yoongi, shut it, will you! We know you don't like leaving your bed, but this is important!"

Yoongi glared at Jin, but he knew the elder was right. He was just not in a good mood.

"Why do I have to be here too, though?" he asked with an annoyed pout.

Jin gave him an equally annoyed look. "Ehm, maybe because Taehyung is your friend too? Why do you think you have to be here you idiot."

Yoongi did not like it when Jin spoke like that just because he was the eldest and they were supposed to let it slide. He frowned, his mood not any better.

"C'mon, hyung. We're just going to ask a few questions and then we can go have breakfast without having to rush to class. It's actually quite nice to wake up early if you think about it like that!" Hoseok grinned, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder to pull him along and Yoongi couldn't help but smile and nod at the boy. Who could resist Hoseok's smile, after all?

"You're right... sorry..." he mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"No worries! We know you get a little grumpy." Hoseok chuckled, not at all bothered by Yoongi's mood. How this little Hufflepuff was nearly always in a good mood was a mystery. 

"And how." Namjoon chuckled, knowing all about how grumpy Yoongi could be in the morning. Namjoon was used to it since he and Yoongi were best friends and the boy even stayed at his house for almost the entire Summer again. It was almost as if they were brothers, honestly.

"Good morning, gentlemen!"

Yoongi and the other five jumped a little at the sudden sound that came from their right. They turned that way and saw the Gryffindor House ghost, Nearly Headless Nick, floating their way.

"Hello there, Sir Nicholas." Namjoon smiled at the familiar ghost, waving a little.

"Sir Nicholas." Jin nodded at the same time.

The ghost halted in front of them. "Have you perhaps seen Peeves? He has been awfully quiet these days, which cannot mean anything good."

Peeves was a poltergeist at Hogwarts who loved pulling pranks on everyone and anyone at Hogwarts. His mischief went beyond anything you could imagine and his pranks were often way less fun than those Jimin and Taehyung used to pull on their fellow students or the teachers, since they were mostly to cause chaos around the castle. One time he set off a bomb in the hallway in the middle of the night. Woke everyone up, of course, students and teachers running everywhere. Another time he threw stinking water balloons at all the students who were taking their OWLs. Those students stunk for days after that; it had always been a mystery what had been inside the water balloons.

Needless to say, his pranks often went a little too far.

"He's not going to do something bad, is he?" Jimin asked softly, eyes a little wide. "The Bloody Baron will keep him from doing so, won't he?"

The Bloody Baron was the Slytherin House ghost, and even though most were quite frightened by the ghost covered in blood, the boys knew that he was the only one who could keep Peeves in check. That was something they were grateful for.

"Oh, we never know with Peeves!" Sir Nicholas exclaimed. "But it is suspicious that he has not been seen around the castle. You surely haven't seen him?"

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