Chapter 10

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P.O.V - Jason

I run after Olivia out of the school. I can't see her anymore but I try my best to follow the trail she was on. I feel so bad for her. She probably thought I was on Andrew's side since I used to be his friend. I run as fast as my feet will carry me. I push back branches that are in my way when I see it. Olivia. Bridge. About to jump. Olivia is sitting on the edge of a rusted green colored bridge. She is going to kill herself. I am only ten feet away from the bridge when she jumps. There is no doubt in my mind that I would do anything for Olivia, even risk my life. I call 911 and tell them that a girl just jumped off of Wilmington Bridge. When I hang up I leave my phone where it is. I run down a hill to the river bank and jump in after Olivia. I am faster than the current is taking her. I grab her hand and try the best that I can to pull her back to shore. It is too hard. The cold water is freezing my skin beneath my clothes. I use all my strength to pull us back to shore. I lay down in the rocks and before I can close my eyes I hear shouting voices.

A loud voice shouts from on top of the bridge, "I see them! They are down there."

Soon someone's face pops into my vision. A police officer. I hear words like hypothermia and hospital and ambulance. I always wanted to ride in an ambulance just not like this. Never like this. I close my heavy eye lids and soon I hear nothing. Silence.

* * *

I spend a couple days in the hospital after what happened. I wasn't allowed to see Olivia because apparently she was in a very bad condition. Now I am home and Andrew doesn't know what happened. Trust me, I will be the first to let him know. I sit on the couch watching television. It is a Friday morning and I need to get ready for school. It has been a week since the whole incident that occurred and I am being forced to go back to school. It won't be the same without Olivia. I ride the bus like always and when I get to the school Andrew is standing outside talking to Courtney. I run right to them and I hastily decide to give Andrew what he deserves. I punch him right in the face and he falls backwards. Courtney stares at me in astonishment.

"What the hell was that for?" Andrew yells at me.

"Yeah what the heck Jason," Courtney stares at me with her mouth dropped all the way to the ground.

"It's all your fault!" I yell at Andrew losing my cool.

"What'd he do?" Courtney asks in confusion.

"You too," I turn to face Courtney. "Olivia tried to kill herself."

"What? Why?" Andrew asks with sadness and disbelief in his voice.

"Because of you two. She was so heartbroken by you," I point at Andrew, "and you made her life painful and full of torture."

"Oh my god," Courtney gasps, "is she okay?"

"Why do you care?" I ask. I walk away leaving Andrew and Courtney behind. Cassie comes running up to me with tears running down her face. She knows what happened. She runs right into my arms and we just hug each other.

"Thank you so much Jason," Cassie cries when she pulls away.

"For what?" I ask.

"For saving Olivia of course!" Cassie laughs while wiping tears with her shirt sleeve.

"Oh, yeah," I stare at the ground. I miss Olivia already.

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