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Always dreamed of living in a big city, pursuing a career as a big movie director. I knew the road that would lead me that way was going to be a big adventure. Full of ups and downs, lots of rejections, and having to repeat the same question "Do I want this?" Of course, the first start of it all was going to an amazing school, that I worked so hard to get a scholarship from was where it all begins. Learning behind the scenes, how to capture the audience to want more, and to have them always talk about the film I brought to life.

I worked hard to make sure I passed all my classes, enter film festivals to prove that I can be the best and that I truly want to be the next Steven Spielberg, there's not a lot of famous female movie directors so of course I'm gonna put all my energy to achieve this dream.

All through high school, I barely went to parties unless my closest friends persuaded me. Most of the time I spent studying, researching what I needed to do to get into Valencia. It's not Juilliard but not a lot of people can afford to go to one of the most famous colleges for performing arts. I picked a school that even without a full scholarship, I'll still be able to achieve my degree without my pockets being empty at the end.

One thing that I didn't suspect to occur on this big journey was meeting a man with dreamy blue eyes, short black hair that was soft for my fingers to run through. Never did I imagine meeting a man who can constantly make my body crave for him to touch me in places that sends electricity through me. When I plan this lifestyle to become a film director since I learned how to work a camcorder, nothing on the path was a man who corrupts my mind to where vivid imagines play when I close my eyes.

He became my addiction, a mystery that I wanted to solve. When he told me his name, it was unfamiliar to me but popular to millions including my friends. Even though I never heard of him, his name became my favorite to say but also became my nightmare.

Here I am currently, standing in the messy hotel room that my friends and I pitched in for. At the beginning of our senior year, we all agreed that after graduation we will take a big trip to Las Vegas to celebrate. Surprisingly we all stuck to our word and made it happen. It's currently a little after ten; neon lights light up the dark sky. The guys are next door getting ready, while us girls are taking turns to put makeup on in the bathroom.

"I'm gonna kill Max if I get caught with this fake ID," Skylar grumbles as she leaves the bathroom, still putting on an earring.

"He assured us that these plastic cards will work," I laugh.

"Yeah, yours might work because you look close to being 23," She mocks. "I look nothing like a 29-year-old," She gestures to her slim body. Skylar has an amazing body, the back tight mini dress hugs her perfectly. I knew Max set her age at 29 just to piss her off. Only because she constantly rejects him.

"I'm pretty sure your perky boobs peeking out of your dress will get you in," I joke.

"Look who's talking," She gestures to my apparel. "Honey, you look classy and hot at the same time." My face heats up while I look down at my spaghetti strap dark red dress that ties to the side. "Lexi! Alice! Hurry up, the guys are waiting for us in the lobby!"

"Stop with the yelling, we just finished up," Alice states while the both of them walk out posing, showing off their glam.

"Okay, we need to take a picture," Skylar tells us after whistling at the two. "Girls, we're definitely going to get some tonight," She jokes while we stand in front of the mirror making all of us laugh.

"Maybe Max will finally get lucky," Lexi teases while slapping Skylar's ass.


"I told you the ID would work," Max argues with Skylar as soon as the bouncer lets us in.

"Shut up, before someone hears you!" She hits him.

"Will you two shut up, and let's begin our fun!" Cole throws his arms around the two and directs them to the dance floor.

I laugh softly, watching them slowly disappear into the crowd. The place was booming with music to the point it vibrates through your veins. Neon lights bouncing off the wall, while the dance floor is already filled with sweaty bodies grinding against each other. "Justin is going to escort the two of us to an empty table, want to come with us?" Lexi whispers to me.

"No, I'm gonna go get me something to drink," I point towards the bar. She mouths 'okay,' before they walk off.

I sit on an empty barstool, waiting for the bartender to notice me. "You know someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be sitting around by yourself," A husky voice said beside me.

"And why's that?" I turn to face the man, just to be met with ocean blue eyes looking directly at me.

"There's a lot of pervert creeps roaming this place, and dangerous men who could cause you harm," He tells me before taking a sip of his drink.

I cross my legs, rest my elbow on the bar to lay my head against my hand. "And you're implying that you're neither of those two categories?" My eyes take in his sharp facial structure, how short his black hair is and the stumbles appear on his chin along where a mustache would take place.

A smirk takes place on his face as he runs his tongue along his lips. "That's for you to figure," He winks at me. "Bartender get this young lady a blue lagoon." The bartender immediately gets to work, not wasting time to place the blue vibrant drink in front of me.

'Thank you,' I mouth to the gentleman before he goes off to make someone else a drink. "Not gonna poison me are you?" I look over at the unknown fella.

My eyes move to his hand that immediately tightens its hold on his almost empty glass. "I would never do that to any girl, only sick bastards." His voice was stone cold. Sending shivers down my spine, making me feel I struck a nerve with that simple phrase.

I take a hold of the drink, letting the liquid run across my tongue and make its way down my throat. A small moan leaves between my lips, feeling satisfied with the drink he ordered for me. I could feel his eyes on me as I licked the liquid off my lips while setting the drink down. "Is there something fascinating about the way I drink?" I raise a brow while looking his way.

"No, just wondering what it'll feel like to taste your perfect plump lips," He bluntly tells me, making me gasp. Normally I would feel disgusted but for some reason, his bold words sent a tingly feeling through my body.

I take one more sip of my drink, push it aside before leaning close, and run my fingers over his hand. "How about instead of wondering, you could find out, but it'll cost you a name." His eyes widen, probably suspecting a different response.

It didn't take too long to drink the rest of his drink and guide me to the bathroom, pushing me against the door, connecting our lips while locking the door so no one could interrupt us. "Ian," He quickly tells me before reconnecting our lips together.

My hands tangled into his hair, surprised at how soft it was. He bites down on my lower lip as he grips his hands onto my thighs causing me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. His lips, the way he tastes, I couldn't get enough. They move off mine and down to my neck, finding the spot that causes a moan to leave my lips.

If only one person told me that this moment changes how my journey would play out. That this won't be the last time I'll feel his lips and the pain that comes with it. Even if someone warned me on what takes place after this heated moment, I would still take the drink because of the way he's making me feel just by his lips. Ian became my worst and greatest addiction.


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