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Sorry, for the long long long wait. I was stuck in writer's block land! After weeks of waiting, here you guys go!

I'm gonna die, my stomach is all cramped up and whoever took me hasn't said a single word. I've been in this vehicle for what feels like hours, I hear cars passing by but nothing suspicious. My heart beats rapidly as I wait for what might be my final moment of living.

"We're here." A man's voice breaks the silence.

Here? Where's here? It's weird how this whole time my phone hasn't gone off. You would think one of my friends, mainly Skylar would blow it up. Now that I think about it, I don't even feel my phone in my pocket.

The vehicle begins to move slowly until it officially comes to a stop. The car's doors open followed by movement.

"Remember, the boss made it clear that no harm comes towards the girl." The same voice from earlier tells someone.

Boss? What boss? My stomach twists more while I pick my lower lip. I squeeze my eyes tightly as the door near me opens, I feel the night breeze hit me. Callus hands take hold of me, leading me out of the vehicle and taking me to my final destination. I hate how I can't see where I'm going. That there's no way of hearing or finding a sign to let me know where I am.

"I don't get why he wanted us to bring her to him," The guy holding me grumbles.

Seriously, I should have stayed home and worked on my schooling, especially my film. Wait! Did the guy say the boss is a he? Oh no... A strange feeling sets in the pit of my stomach as I'm being guided to sit down. I swear there's no way it's who I think it is. There's no way!

My heart speeds up when the sound of a door opening fills the room. The atmosphere changes when the clicking of footsteps comes toward me. Vibrations run through me causing my leg to bounce anxiously. I feel his eyes burning on me, his energy radiates off him circling me as he walks around examining me. Staying silent, making me crave words to flow from his lips.

I know it's him. I know deep in my bones the man clicking his dress shoes against the floor. The man who sent I don't know how many men, is Ian. My gut is boiling as my nerves crawl around afraid. Something in me knows that this has to deal with the last time I saw him.

My eyes squeeze closed tightly as I feel someone untying the cloth that's been me from seeing where I was going. I blink a couple of times, letting my eyes get used to seeing colors again. Only to recognize and confirm who was in charge of this mess. They took me to Ian's.

The man himself walks in front of me, smiling and gleaming at me mischievously. I can't help myself but admire how good-looking he looks in a tight white button-up. My eyes have a mind of their own, tracing his image straight to his hands. I can feel the heat run through me, as my mind thinks about what his hands can do to me. How they send sparks through me, making me crave more.

'God damn it, Julia. You're about to die.'

"Hello, Julia," Ian steps forward. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" His tone sends shivers down my back. "Guess you've been busy with your schooling? Because what other reason would cause you to ignore me?" Ian slowly starts walking around me.

I want to say something but every time I try to move my lips, it feels like something is keeping them attached. I don't even know what I should say, how am I supposed to say that the reason I've been avoiding him is because of what I overheard.

"Julia," his fingers run through my hair, moving in front of me and bending down so that we are at the same eye level. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"I-" my heart starts beating faster. "As you said, I've been busy." Busy avoiding you.

Ian takes hold of the legs of my chair and pulls me closer to him. "Now, Julia," He said softly. "You and I both know that's not the case." His hands slid up my legs sending the familiar sparks I was addicted to. "Tell me the truth. Why have you been ignoring me?"

My mouth goes dry, a heatwave runs through me as his thumbs run small circles on my legs. His blue eyes watching me, waiting for me to give him the answer my gut knows he already knows. That's why he brought me here.

"You know why," I whisper.

"What was that?"

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and repeated the three words but louder for him to hear them. "You know why."

His hands slid higher, "Do I?"

"Yes," I take another deep breath trying to keep my mind clear from the sensation his hands are sending through me. "Why else would you bring me here?"

He smiles mischievously, confirming to me that I was right. "What do I know?"


"Say the words."

I nibble on my lower lips, my gut tightens up. "You know-" I take a deep breath, "You know, I heard your conversation."

His hands inch higher, "What did you hear?"

Why is he being like this? Why does he want to know so badly? Most importantly, what's going to happen after I say them?

"You said something like if you don't receive money from someone, the real fun will begin." I stare down at my lap.

"Hmm," His hands went past my knees. "That's all?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Just get rid of me already!" I just want this tension to be over already. I want them to either kill me or threaten me and let me go. My emotions are out of whack. One part of me wants to be all over Ian, letting him make me feel alive. The other part is scared for my life.

Ian laughs, "Julia, do you think I'm gonna kill you?"

"Yes," I say softly, my eyes staring at his hands resting on the side of my thighs.

"Julia," he takes one of his hands up towards my face, tucks a finger under my chin, and directs me to look back into his eyes. "I'm not going to kill you, nor am I going to cause harm towards you. I won't let either of those things happen. That's why I needed to know what you overheard." He assures me. "There are things about me that can put you in danger. The less you know, the better. It's for your protection." He caresses my cheek, sending flutters in the pit of my stomach.

A normal person would take that red flag and dip, but all I can think is 'What did I get myself into?'


My debut novel 'The Change For Her' is now available for purchasing online on Barnes & Noble, and Amazon and can be read on Amazon Ulitmate!!

You can find the links on my website

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