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 I never told Skylar about the text I sent last night, mainly since I've never received a message back. I barely slept last night because all I wanted was for my phone to go off. All through today, I can't keep my eyes off the device. In class, I leave it on my desk waiting for it to light up showing his name. During my breaks, I act like I'm checking the time to make sure I won't be late for my next class. I even texted the group chat, my friends and I have, just to see if my phone is working.

Why am I like this? I have never been like this over a guy. I'm turning into Freshman Lexi. All through our first year of High School, Lexi was boy crazy. When a boy shows interest in her, she's glued to her phone waiting for the guy to finally respond. If he doesn't respond to her, Lexi will repeatedly message him until 1) He responds or 2) He blocks her. I'm not gonna be a Freshman Lexi!

Meanwhile, here I am sitting in a random class on my laptop supposed to be taking notes but I'm on google. You'll think I would be paying attention since it's my first week of college but I can't help doing "research" on the guy I'm waiting desperately to hear from.

I don't get it, why would this amazingly sharp structure face, give me his number but not respond? Yeah, it's been like three days but that's normal. Maybe he's going to wait the same amount of days to respond. Kill me!

Resting my head on the palm of my hand, I notice that in every single photo that google holds of him, he's not standing with a single woman unless it's his mother or sister. No article speaking of a relationship. The idea of him not being with someone sends jitters through me and breaks a smile onto my face. It also makes me wonder why there's nothing on here about a possible girlfriend.

Heck if you google Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, Evan Peters. He played such an amazing Quicksilver in X-Mans. Anyways, back to my point. If you google any celebrity there's always some article spreading a possible new relationship. That being said, either this guy is good at hiding his relationships or something extremely wrong with him.

"Hey," Someone nudges me.

I immediately shut my laptop and look over to see who the person was. They were packing up their belongings and getting up. Just like the whole class.

"Class is over," The girl tells me.

"Oh," I shuffle around, placing my things in my bag, and hurried out of my seat. "Thanks," I smile at her.

"Halle," She reaches her hand out for me.


"So, Julia," She walks beside me while leaving the classroom. "Is there a reason why you were drooling over an extremely hot stud instead of taking notes about our class project due later in the semester?"

My face heats up, not sure how to respond. "Um," I bite my lower lip, "It's a long story," I pull my bag strap up higher on my shoulder.

"Here," She hands me a notebook with a sticky note sticking out marking a page. "You can copy my notes and return my notebook to me tomorrow in class."

"Thank you," I smile, "I appreciate you helping me out. I owe you one."

Halle slings her arm around my shoulders. "You can pay me back by telling the story about Mr. Sexy." Pushing the doors of the building open.


As we walked to my car, the short drive to my place I told Halle everything she wanted to know about Mr. Sexy. There was so much to say since the two encounters but for some reason, it got her fired up just as it did to Skylar.

"Maybe you should try texting him again?" Halle suggests.

"That is horrible advice," I tell her while unlocking the front door.

"Call him."

I place my bag down on the bookshelf that's in the entryway, along with placing my keys in the white small tray. "Another horrible idea." I laugh.

"Or maybe you're just a chicken!" She argues.

"Julia!" Familiar yelling appears right when Halle shuts the door.

Lexi and Alice rushing towards us, with Skylar standing far behind them with a bottle of wine in her hand. The two of them engulf me in a hug, making me struggle to breathe. "We missed you!" Alice cries.

"Feels like we haven't seen you in ages!" Lexi squeezes me harder.

I shrug them off me, dusting off their fake tears. "It has seriously been a week," I grumble.

Halle awkwardly coughs behind us, revealing she's still in the room. "Everyone, this is Halle. She's in my film class."

"Hey," They say at the same time.

Alice takes Halle's hand guiding her to the living room where Skylar is standing. "Everyone it's time to drink wine and storytime. By storytime, I mean Julia giving better details on her love life," Alice looks back giving me a wicked smile. The same smile Skylar gives me while she swings the bottle of wine slowly.


Two wine glasses down and two short stories told about the two different guys. Ian's was just a short little update about the phone number. Lots of laughing, debates between which guy I should text, little do they know besides from Halle I did text one of the guys. Nobody knows who, even Halle doesn't since she only knows the fella as Mr. Sexy. Yeah, she heard the guys' names but on our way here I made sure not to reveal his name. Don't know why, but felt it would help hearing an outsider's opinion without revealing his identity.

"So is Nicholas Mr. Sexy or Ian?" Halle looks over at me, taking a sip of the red wine out of the glass stemless glass in her hand.

"Who's Mr. Sexy?" Skylar questions.

"In class today Julia kept staring at some unknown guy pictures on google. I referred to him as Mr. Sexy. She told me a little about the guy but never revealed his real name. The details she told me, she didn't say tonight. Which leaves the name and the person she texted a mystery," Halle explains. "Can I have a refill?" She gestures to Alice, who's hogging the bottle.

"Wait!" Alice pauses her actions and shoots her head in my direction. "You messaged one of them?"

All eyes are now on me, I swirl my glass around watching the wine dance. "Um, yeah," My face heats up.

"Ian or Nicholas?" Lexi leans towards me, her eyes showing how excited she is.

I get up off the couch and head towards the kitchen. "It doesn't matter," I state.

"Yeah, it does!" Skylar copies my actions.

"No, it doesn't!" I set the glass in the sink.

"Please enlighten me on why it doesn't," She crosses her arms.

"Because he never messaged me back!"

Silents fill the home, only the wine filling someone's glass can be heard. Skylar's eyes soften, mouth gape open. I knew she wanted to say something but didn't know what. If she knew it was Nicholas, she wouldn't be thrilled. If she knew it was Ian, she would try to persuade me to try again or come up with a scheme to see him.

"I'm gonna go crash, make sure no one leaves tonight," I tell Skylar before going to my room.

After changing into my nightclothes, clean my face, the normal stuff you do before reconnecting with your bed. As I turn off the lamp on my nightstand, my phone goes off.


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