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It's hard being in the middle of a friendship mess. Especially when it involves someone's heart being ripped apart. I have no words on how to resolve the situation because no matter the solution, someone ends up getting hurt and right now that person is Max. We have been sitting on the couch for hours. The first few hours I listened to him rant about how messed up it was that his own best friend broke the bro code, and how he probably will stop hanging around Justin and Skylar.

I don't blame him, but how would that affect the friend group? Our friendship? It was hard for Chandler, Phoebe, Monica and Joey to handle Ross and Rachel's breakup when Ross slept with another woman. Having split time between the two. It got so crazy that it drove Chandler back to spoking. Yes, it was a tv show scenario but that doesn't mean that breakups in friendships or relationships can't affect the friend group.

I couldn't handle that on top of a love affair with a mafia leader. That's way too much stress.

"Crap!" I randomly jump away from Max and stand up from the couch. "Crap, crap, crap!" I pace back and forth.

"What? What happened?" Max turns off the tv.

"I might have done something extremely bad." I run my fingers through my hair.

"What did you do? Kill someone?" He laughs but after he looks at my face that's showing no humor he immediately stops. "Julia, I love you but please tell me you did not commit murder because I am too poor to bail you out of jail and I haven't watched enough true crimes to help you get away with one."

"No, no, I didn't kill anyone but I might have helped someone with one.."

"Julia, what the heck do you mean you helped someone?!"

"Well, there was a guy who kept following me around today and I asked Halle to distract him for me."

Max looks at me like I'm crazy with confusion written all over his face. "Okay, so," he scratches the back of his neck. "You had some random dude follow you around and decided to have Halle, a beautiful girl who far as I know doesn't work out and probably doesn't know how to defend herself. You had her distract this guy so he can stop following you?"



"I know, I know! Stupid thing to do!"

"When was the last time you heard from her?"
"When I pulled her into the bathroom and talked her into occupying the guy." I shuffle around on my feet.

"Oh god," Max groans out while grabbing his car keys before walking to the door. "Come on."

"Where are we going?"
"To hunt down Edward Cullen to get him to turn me into a vampire, where the fuck do you think we're going? To find Halle!"

"I knew you were team Edward!"


"So what's the plan?" I ask Max while I watch the scenery pass by.

"I have no clue, all I know is that we need to check every location we think they'll be at."

"How are we going to know what locations to check? We don't know this guy, therefore we have zero clue on where he would take Halle." Which is somewhat a lie. I don't know the guy but I know who he works for and where he could have possibly taken Halle to but even though it could save her life, I feel it could lead to putting Max in danger as well. While also having to explain how I knew the guy would be there.

"What if he wasn't the one to choose the location. What if Halle decided to take him to her place? Then he held her hostage there?"

"We could check there, it wouldn't hurt." Plus it'll delay me from having to randomly show up at Ian's. I hope they're at Halle's.

I go on my phone looking for Halle's address to put it into Max's gps. As we drive in that location my anxiety is building up, while I'm praying she is there and that she's safe. My leg shakes when Max pulls into the apartment complex parking lot. He drives slowly looking for the building that has her number on it.

"Are you ready?" I look over at him.

"I have no clue." Max's hands are gripping the steering wheel tight until his knuckles are white. "What are we going to do?" He looks over at me.

"Um," what are we going to do? "We're going to go knock on her door and hope she answers."

"And what if she doesn't? What if she's not safe or not even there?"

"Max, I don't know the answer to that. Let's just start with the first thing we can do and then we will figure it out afterwards." We take a deep breath and finally exit the vehicle.

The walk to her door was filled in silence, there were so many scenarios running through my head. I can feel the energy radiating off of Max, it makes me feel not so alone knowing he's just as anxious. It also worries me because one of us needs to be confident.

We look at each other as we stand in front of her door. Having a silent debate on who's going to be the one to knock. I'm just a tiny girl so obviously he should take his muscley arm and do the knocking. Max finally takes the hint and finally lifts his arm preparing to knock.

One knock... Two knocks... Three knocks... and the door starts to open.

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