The Mess

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Héctor POV
             After breakfast I found myself walking back to the lobby where I saw the bar. I never drank alcohol before and I don't plan to anytime soon but I walked over. I was greeted by this cat like demon. He was drinking a bottle of what I'm guessing was booze.
         "Uh hi." I said as I reached the bar counter "You're Husk right?"
          "Yeah. The Hell you want?" He said after swallowing his cheap booze.
           "Oh I don't want anything. I just wanted to meet the staff here." I answered sounding nervous. I'm not afraid of cats but something about Husk scares me. It's probably that raspy voice of his.
         "Well unless you wanna drink get lost." He said. "I'm only here cause Smiles over there is very persuasive." He said sarcastically showing be his bottle.
         "Okay." I said processing what he said. I walked away from the bar and looked at the painting on the walls.
          They depicted the Magne family. Just looking at the paintings made me scared. How could the lords of Hell give birth to someone as pure and innocent as Charlie? I guess that's just something no one can answer.
          "Hi Boner." I high squeaky voice said behind me. I turned around and saw it was Balún.
          "It's Héctor." I corrected. "How was breakfast?" I asked randomly to try to start a conversation.
          "It was pretty good." She answered "Haven't had decent food in awhile." Her words left her mouth amazingly. Her voice was so high pitched I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.
"What's so funny?" She asked sounding a little mad.
"I'm sorry it's your voice." I said nervously "It just sounds a little funny."
"Yeah I know. Hard for anyone to take me serious."
I wanted to keep talking to her so I had to think of something for us to do. "Would you like to walk around the hotel with me?" I asked trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Uh sure. That sounds nice."
We proceeded to walk towards the hall so we can get on the elevator to check out the huger floors. As we walked I heard another tiny voice cream "HEY! YOU MESSED UP MY PILE!!!" I turned around scared and saw a small one eyed demon girl who was cleaning the floor. I looked down and saw I spread about a pile of trash and dust all over the floor.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see it-" I was cut off by something hitting my face. Next thing I knew the demon was on top of my chest holding my collar.
"Do you have any idea how long that took me to clean!!???" She said shaking me. I looked over at Balún who was laughing at the predicament I was in.
"Don't just stand there help me!!" I shouted trying to get her to help me. I then was slapped by the maid demon.
"Don't look at her!" *slap* "Look at me!" *slap* "You make a mess again and I'll take one of Vaggie's knives and shove it straight up your a-" she was cut off when I saw someone lifted her off my chest.
"Now Niffty we don't harass the guests. Especially the new ones like this skeletal boy." It was him. The Radio Demon. "Now I want you to apologize to this nice young man."
           Niffty turned her head towards me and looked mad. "I'm sorry. Just please don't make a mess again." She said adding a eyes on you motion towards me.
I nervously scurried to Balún who was struggling to catch her breath from laughing to much.
"Gee thanks for your help back there." I sarcastically said as she stopped laughing.
"I'm sorry." She said while wiping the tears from her eyes. "But if I tried to stop her she probably would've poked me with a needle. And let's just say that wouldn't be a good thing."
          "I see." I said trailing off as I noticed the bulge in her stomach area. It looked noticeably bigger and rounder. I stared at her stomach long enough for her to take notice.
           "Before you ask no I'm not pregnant." Her words caught me off guard and broke my trance. "It happens if I breathe in too much. I was catching my breath after that little cyclops tried to impale you."
            "Are you gonna be alright?" I asked trying to maintain eye contact with her.
           "Yeah I'll be fine. I just gotta deflate." She answered.
           "How do you do that?" I asked curious to know how it's done.
          "You wanna see?" She asked with a sneaky smile on her face. Just from that smile alone I had a feeling she was up to something. But a part of me was really curious to know how.
           "Sure." I said normally.
           "Ok let's go!" She said quickly turning around walking to the elevator. I stood there confused. She turned around and said "Well come on." Sounding very insistent.
             "Wait are we going to your room?" I asked catching up with her.
              "Yeah! I'm not gonna deflate myself in front of everyone." She chuckled to herself. "Don't tell me you've never been in a girl's room before."
              It felt like a knife was cutting through my stomach. I had to think of something to say. "I respectfully refuse to answer that."
              We entered the elevator and prepared to go to her room. This is either gonna go good or it isn't.

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