Girl's Night

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Author's Notes: This part will be taking a week time jump. There will be more suggestive dialogue in this part of the story but I'll still be keeping it PG-13. I hope you enjoy it.

Time skip from last part
Saturday 7:15 pm
Rosa Lustria POV

I spent the day preparing the penthouse for my friends to arrive. Mooni and Jez were already on their way but they weren't who I was worried about coming. It was Gorge. We haven't text since we saw each other at the club earlier this week.
Gorge hasn't text or called me and I didn't want to be the one to start the conversation. I'm too nervous about what it'll lead to. Let's just say when I text someone depending on the person it goes one of two ways: 1) it's a normal conversation or 2) it ends with me and the person or persons on the other end pleasuring ourselves. 
       I pre-ordered enough food for 5 people just in case she decided to come over. And if she didn't then the girls and I are gonna have a whole lot of leftovers.
      I decided to wear my casual loungewear outfit for tonight. I told the girls to do the same. Although we do hang out a lot outside of work most of the time it feels like we only see each other at work.
     I wore a nice pair of red leggings and a red t-shirt that was cut half way down the stomach showing off my thin figure and bellybutton.
    I heard a knock on the door and answered it. Mooni was the first to arrive. She wore a pair of really short ripped jean shorts and a white shirt with a "OwO" graphic printed on it.
    Second person to arrive was Jez. Getting her huge through the door was difficult but with the help of one of the employees of the building we squeezed her through. I could tell she was turned on by it. Despite my more active career in this business Jez seemed to be more aroused than I usually am.
     After awhile we all got settled in we took our seats on the huge couch in my living room. We started watching 666 News and we began commentating everything Katie Killjoy said. And her co host Tom Trench was no better. I remember one time he attended one of Angel's movie premieres.
     After a few good laughs at commentating and a drink or two of beelzejuice later we began making small talk.
    "Have you two heard anything about that guest Demonica was telling us about?" I asked.
    "I haven't heard much." Mooni said.
    "I heard a rumor she's some hella rich babe!" Jez said rubbing her huge thighs.
    "How did you hear about that?" I asked.
    "I heard someone say something at the bar the other night. I would've heard more but I was mostly full of booze around that time" Jez said.
     "They could've been talking about any one." Mooni said.
     "Is the only thing bigger than your ass your thirst for booze Jez?" I asked sarcastically.
     "I dunno is the only thing bigger than your lips, tits, ass, and hair your thirst for lust?" Jez asked playfully.
     "You two are so cute when you're arguing." Mooni commented. "If Rosa wasn't already dating someone I'd suggest you to bang right here right now."
     "Speaking of which is she coming over?" Jez asked.
     I began blushing. "I don't know. We haven't talked since we talked at the club."
     "I hope she makes it." Mooni said. "I'd love to get to know her more."
      I then heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it and sure enough Gorge stood there.
"You made it." I said sounding surprised.
"I ate up something in my schedule so I could come." She said. We laughed.
      "Come in. The girls were just asking about you." I said.

Gorge POV
      She let me in. Good. I thought walking through her front door. She looked stunning even in casual clothes. I just wore a pair of ripped super elastic yoga pants and a t-shirt that said "Where's the feast?" on the front of it.
      I walked into the living room with Rosa where Mooni and Jez were hanging out.
     "Hey there GORGEous!" Jez said after taking a shot of some kind of some kind of alcoholic beverage.
"Hey badonkadonk." I said enthusiastically. "Y'all miss me?"
     "You bet your chins we did!" Jez said.
     "It's nice seeing you again Gorge." Mooni said.
     "Same for me too." I replied. "So where's the food at?" I asked.
     "Should be here soon." Rosa answered.
     I walked over to the couch and sat down. We all took up pretty big sections of the couch. Especially Jez and I. I grabbed a bottle of booze from the ottoman in the center of the ground that was the and level as the couch cushions.
     I popped open the top of the bottle and started drinking it. As I stopped chugging the bottle I noticed Mooni was staring at me and Rosa was covering her face with her hands. Some time went by until we heard a knock on the door.
     "Food's here!" I said. "I can smell it!"
     Rosa opened the door and a group of imps brought in a whole feast of food. I could tell the imps were scared of me. Probably thought I'd eat them.
     "Help yourselves." Rosa said. And immediately I started grabbing food and began shoveling it in my mouth. It all tasted so good. Even better then the first time I stayed over.
     With everyone eating I thought it would be a good time to create more small talk. "So Jez. How did you get such a huge tank ass?" I asked.
     Mooni nearly choked on her food from the question and Rosa's face turned redder than her clothes and lipstick.
    "Simple. I had it when I was alive." She answered.
    "Really?" I asked.
    "Nope! I'm just kidding. I get some work done." She said. "I go to this doctor near Imp City. It's pretty sketchy but trust me it's worth it. They fill up this ass to the brim! Best part is it looks natural!" She then slapped her butt and it jiggled as it would if it was natural.
      "That's really cool." I said between bites. "What about you Rosa? You got any work done?"
      "Oh me? Heavens no." Rosa answered swallowing her drink. "Well at least not when I was in Hell. You see I was a model before I died. I got surgery done on me and I looked like this!" She said gesturing to her body.
      "I wish I could look like you two." Mooni said sadly. "When I was alive all the girls made fun of me because I was always flat chested and had a small butt."
      "If those pricks are here in Hell point them out and I'll eat them!" I said confidently.
     "Wait you can eat people?" Rosa asked.
     "I told you I sit one of Val's girls." I said.
     "You did!?" Mooni and Jez asked at the same time.
      "I thought you were joking." Rosa said wiping her mouth.
      "What you thought this extra mouth was for talking?" I said before opening my stomach mouth and feeding it.
      They all stared at me with mixed looks of fear, disgust, and amazement. I proceeded to have my stomach mouth's tongue lick the area around it's mouth.
      "Sex must be fun with a tongue like that." Jez said.
      "Yeah. Real fun." I said hesitantly.

Rosa Lustria POV
       "Well now that we're all full. I was thinking maybe we can watch a movie!" I suggested.
       "Sounds good to me." Mooni said.
       "Let's watch Officer Lustria!" Jez suggested.
       "You played a police officer?" Gorge asked.
       "Not just any police officer! A sexy police officer!" Mooni added.
"Alright you horny girls," Rosa said in a tough yet sexy assertive voice. "if you three can't control yourselves I'm gonna have to send all three of you to horny jail!"
"Oh please!" Said Jez "Send me to horny jail Officer Lustria!"
"Punish us!" Mooni said.
"Alright enough horny you two." Gorge said "Any other movie ideas Rosa?"
"We can watch Terminal Beauty." I suggested.
"I love that one!" Mooni said.
"Yeah me too. You and Angel Dust were amazing in that one." Jez said.
"Wait you know Angel Dust!?" Gorge asked sounding astonished.
"Yeah. He's a really sweet guy." I said. "So Terminal Beauty it is!" I said.
Mooni got up to make popcorn for us while Gorge sat back leaning on the armrest on the end of the couch. Jez stayed in the same seat she sat in when she first came. When the popcorn was done Mooni handed a medium sized bowl for her and Jez to share and one really big bowl for Gorge.
"VoxBox: Play Terminal Beauty on Voxflix." I said to my VoxBox.
As the movie started I noticed I couldn't sit anywhere. Jez and Mooni shared a smaller couch in front of the tv while Gorge sat on the vertical to the tv couch.
"You can sit next to me." Gorge whispered to me. "I promise I won't bite. Unless you want me to." Her stomach mouth smiled at me.
I began blushing. But I had no other choice so I sat down next to her. She held the bowl of popcorn in her left hand and began rubbing her belly with her right hand.
I could feel the warmth coming from her huge body. It felt great. I then allowed myself to lean onto her right shoulder. Her big fat arm felt soft and warm. Like a big fleshy warm pillow.
She smelled like all sorts of food. But in a way it wasn't unbearable. Or at least not in the way it was when we first met on the blind date. This felt different. But a good different.

Gorge POV
Holy shit she's leaning on me! I thought. She smelled beautiful. Her big blonde hair smelled like roses. I could smell the perfume she wore that smelled like lavender. Whatever brand of perfume was as beautiful as her.
As we watched the movie I saw how sexy Rosa looked in her slutty doctor outfit. She was absolutely stunning. But even more stunning in person.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I was hanging out with one of Hell's most popular pornstar and her friends. How many sinners like me can say that?
We continued to watch the movie and about 2/3 into the movie Jez and Mooni fell asleep where they sat.
When the credits of the movie began to roll I noticed some time ago Rosa fell asleep still leaning on me. She looked gorgeous. Even when she was asleep. I've never come face to face with an angel but she had to of been the closest to an angel I'll ever get too.
I didn't want to disturb her or her friends so I felt them all sleeping. As I sat there my eyelids felt heavy and wanted to close. Before I could stop myself my eyes were closed and I began to travel to dreamland. But not before I used my stomach mouth to extend its tongue to get one last piece of food before sleeping.

Author's Notes: Aww how sweet. I really hope you enjoyed this part. If you did please vote it and share the story in anyway you can. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this part in the comment section. I hope you liked it.

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