27 | are you ok?

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We quickly finished up rehearsals, so that we get to spend the rest of the day to ourselves. I kept stealing glances towards Ally, to make it obvious that I wanna spend my free time with her. Although, I don't think she noticed.

"Are you hanging out with Jozy and Jenna?" I finally took the courage to ask her. She looked up for a second, thinking.

"I mean... we're kinda just doing whatever. Do you wanna join us?" She seems forced, but I mean she did ask.

We strolled along Santa Monica pier, getting a good whip of fresh air after the long week we've gone through. It felt kind of like a reset, and it energized us all.

"Are you feeling okay? This week hasn't been easy for you... if you feel sad, you don't have to hide it. You can talk to me whenever." I patted Ally's shoulders and her lips parted.

"I'm fine... you've had it quite rough too. I don't wanna burden you, and I'm honestly not feeling too bad. I think going here has been a great distraction, and I'm starting to rethink my feelings and decisions."

"Am I included in any of those?" I half joked, but I'm honestly sincerely asking.

"It's impossible not to have you in there." She looked at me for a quick second before distracting herself. Ally went over to her friends, but they pushed her right back to me.

"Jenna and I have something important to do. You two can go ahead and have fun!" Jozy hurriedly left with Jenna, and we just stared at them in disbelief. I'll have to thank those two later.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded.

"I just want a snack for now. We can eat more later- I might get an upset stomach... also, I'm craving sweets..." Ally explained to me and I totally understood. She must be on her lady days. "Oh! You can eat whatever you want though."

"No, I'll just go with you. I also agree that we should eat lots later instead." I pet the top of her head and she blushed.

"You've been way too passive lately... it's so weird." She cringed and I just rolled my eyes. I think we've been much more comfortable around each other lately, rather than a month ago.

"When you like someone, you do crazy things." I took her hand in mine and she just raised an eyebrow.

"Look... I just broke up with my boyfriend four days ago. I'm still unsure of what I feel, and I don't want to rush things. Not again... I don't want it to end up like last time. I'm just so scared."

"And I won't let it. Also, I can wait as long as it takes... I'm just right here. We can take our time." I let her know and she suddenly wrapped her arms around my waist, embracing me tightly.

"Thanks for being so understanding." She mumbled against my beating chest. We stayed like the for a while, before a child came running across- knocking both of us onto the ground.

"Are you okay?" I helped her up, and she nodded while bursting out laughing. I enjoy seeing her smile so much.

We finally got some funnel cakes, and it reminds me of the time we went to Disneyland. We agreed to eat seafood for dinner later, since many restaurants here offer a variety of choices.

"It's so good." Ally complimented the dessert. She's right though- it's newly cooked, and the toppings taste amazing.

"What do you wanna do next?" I asked after munching on mine.

We then went on the ferris wheel, and I suddenly became nervous because it's my first time going alone with her. It was her choice, but I know damn well that she's afraid of heights.

"It's getting too high." Ally began to shake while holding tightly onto the seat.

"It's fine. They probably did many safety tests on this." I took her hand and interlocked my fingers with hers.

"Jay..." Ally uttered so quietly before her eyes began to shut, me closing the gap between us.



Song: Vincent Blue (빈센트블루) — Stupid (한심해)

(LYRICS: likes this person so much, but is afraid of taking on the next step in fear of getting hurt)

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