2 | walk home

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I waited for it.

For Jay to say "I'm just joking".

"That's not funny." I rolled my eyes and he finally gave up.

"I'll stop bothering you. One last time, please?" He pleaded and I finally gave in. I'm so sick and tired of him asking... it's just a number anyways.

"There. Happy?" I pressed the digits into his phone, and I swear his smile could reach the sky.

"Thanks, bestie!" He patted my head and I sighed. I just made another mistake because he's cute... screw you, Jay. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, I can go by myself." I assured him but he was quite hesitant. Jay walked me down to the entrance, and I bid my farewells to his mom before exiting.

"I'll let you know how it goes." He winked at me and I nodded. I don't really wanna know, but the supportive me just had to.

I began walking home while wearing my AirPods, listening to some city pop in this nice weather. Actually, I only live a block away from Jay- but still. I delayed my steps and took my time, somewhat healing my soul with the feeling of the wind against my skin.

I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me, so I attempted not to look and began walking faster instead. It's okay... I'm a black belt in Taekwondo, if anything were to ever happen. What if they have a knife or gun though?

I can't die yet! The last thing I literally did was give Jay my friend's number. There's still so many things I wanna do in life... I haven't even dated him!

I mean what?

"Ahh! Help me!" I yelled once the guy finally grabbed my shoulder. I twisted his arm and kicked his shin, until he fell down onto the ground in pain...

It was Jay.

"What the hell, Ally?" He screamed while wincing. He clenched onto his leg and tried standing back up.

"W-Why did you scare me like that?" I helped him, but he pushed me away. He seems really angry and serious right now... it makes me feel like crap.

"I followed you here because you forgot one of your textbooks. I was trying to yell out your name, but you were wearing earphones..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll walk you home."

"Okay..." I grabbed the textbook from him. He tried to walk, but his legs were still shaking from my kick. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. If you were actually kidnapped, that would have been the correct move." He tried to smile, but I know too damn well that he's annoyed.

How can I unlike you?


Grade 6


"Go to the dance with me." One of the boys from my class kept asking. Probably the tenth time today... ugh, what in the word "no" does he not understand?

"Leave me alone." I rolled my eyes. We were walking to the library, when he suddenly pinned me against the wall.

"Not until you say yes." He hitched his face closer to me and I began to cry. I feel so uncomfortable...

"Didn't you understand what she said?" Jay grabbed his shoulder, pushing the boy away from me. "She obviously feels uncomfortable. You're an asshole."

I gasped because he said a bad word! Other than that, he saved me...

"Thank you." I mouthed to him and he nodded, motioning me to go inside the library already.

During reading time, Jay passed me a note that says:

Are you okay?

I looked back at him and smiled.

I'm okay.

It was at that moment when I knew, I had to tell him what I felt.

Once dismissal arrived, I walked home with him as per usual- ready to tell him with my whole heart that...

"Jay, I like you." I mumbled and he stopped in his tracks.

"That's not funny." He raised an eyebrow. I suddenly felt horrible, so I thought of anything to try and take it back.

"I liked you... in grade three! Just in grade three though, for like a week." I laughed and so did he.

"I'll use it as blackmail." Jay patted my head, like he usually does.


I hope you guys liked the first two chapters so far!!! I will update weekly, so the next comes out on Monday:)


Song: Collective Arts (콜렉티브아츠), Lee Eunsu (이은수) — Walk (산책)

(LYRICS: a couple walking around during spring time, admiring the nature)

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