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"Happy four years, B!" I kissed my fiancée on the lips, as the phone cameras around us went haywire. I proposed to Ally earlier today, concluding the fact that we've already been together for the past four years.

I've completed culinary school long ago and successfully opened up a branch of my dad's restaurant here in Los Angeles. I waited for my soon-to-be wife to finish law school before asking to take her hand in marriage. I've always had that imagery from Switzerland engraved in my mind, but strictly held myself back. I would love to marry her, but only once we're both actually ready.

Now at twenty-five, we both are definitely pumped to start off that new chapter in our lives. Together.

"It's so pretty!" The girls hollered around Ally, admiring her engagement ring.

"I know right? My hubby knows how to choose very well." She looked at me and pointed at the necklace around her neck. The one that matches mine.

In the past four years we were together, a lot has happened. We've known each other now for sixteen years, but during the time we were dating there were still so much that we learnt from each other. Yes, we did have many understandings- we even broke up once, but that distance only made us stronger. We had many firsts together, like buying our own home. We helped each other achieve our dreams, mature- so that we could become the people we are now.

I never thought I could ever have such strong feelings for anyone, especially for this long. However, Ally changed all that.

I still love her everyday. In fact, I end up loving her even more.

I can't see my future without her in it.



"So like... since when?" The girls and I hid away from the boys, so that we could have some tea time in the veranda. Once I'm married and have kids, my time with the girls will most likely decline.

"I don't know," Jozy giggled. "It just happened. You all know how much I hate men... one day I hate Heeseung, the next we're already together. He makes me really happy."

"That's the most important thing." Beya clapped and I strongly agreed.

"You know, I thought you were gonna stay single forever." Jozy pointed at Nat, and she blinked really fast.

"How did you feel when you first found out that Nat's dating Jake?" Jenna asked and all the girls turned towards me. I let out a chortle and shook my head.

"You know, at first Jay and I were super against it. We were afraid that Jake was gonna cheat on her too, so we did some stupid things and even talked to his ex. He's a nice lad- we can all agree to that, but he's really sneaky. He really worked hard to win back our trust, and we saluted his effort. I could tell how much Nat meant to him, by how he looks after her." I patted my sister's shoulder and she fondly smiled at me.

"I think I was more afraid of telling you. I was scared of how you'd think of me... I've always had my life together, and Jake kind of just changed all that. I'm glad you guys accepted us." A tear rolled down her face as I pulled her into a hug.

"He put the ring on it, though." I stared at my sister's wedding ring. They got married last year, and I couldn't be any happier for them.

We talked about other things, like how Sunghoon has unfortunately gone back to Korea after graduating because of his student visa. I really thought he would work here, but I guess there's other plans out there for him.

"When did you know he was the one?" Beya asked me as I admired my engagement ring. My heart skipped a beat upon hearing that question.

"Since the day I met him," I thought back to our first day of school in third grade. "I liked him since the first time I saw him. We just... went through a lot to end up here. When I really think about Jay and marriage in the same sentence?"

I suddenly got flashbacks from the trip we had at Switzerland. Then and there, I knew I wanted him forever.

"We went to a chapel in Switzerland. I saw something in his eyes while I walked down the aisle... and for a moment, my mind clouded up too. When we ended up at the altar, I asked Jay what he was thinking about." My cheeks turned pink upon remembering that particular memory.

"What did he say?!" The girls started to get super excited.

"Marrying you," Jay suddenly popped out of nowhere. "And I soon will."

"I love you." I whispered to him.

"I love you too."





Thanks for reading this story and constantly voting! I really enjoyed writing it bc of the feedback and how many people were waiting for updates:)

To my JDS girlies (Ally, Jozy, Elle, Jenna, Beya, Nat, Mack, Andrea, Mira, Scarlet, Jean, Amira, Ali) — hehe thanks for letting me use some of ur names & even helping me with the plot for this book^_^ I hope y'all had fun seeing what type of characters I portrayed you as😹💞 ILY GUYSSSSS <3

- Author (@diortyun)


Song: The Black Skirts (검정치마) — Who Do You Love (나랑 아니면)

(LYRICS: doing everything for that person, living together for a while, doing everything together. They love each other so much, they want to be together forever)

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