Part XXI

7 2 0

Date: 29.1.21

Person 1: If you dip it in chocolate, I'll probably eat it.

Person 2: What about a dead body?

Person 1:...

Person 3: YOU JUST HAD TO-

Person 1: I'm being a little more positive today

Person 1 & 3:...

Person 2: I could have said a murdered body...

Person 2: Or bodies


If you want to know what a man is like.

Look at how he treats his equals.

Not his inferiors.


Person 1 says fake sweet: Hi can we sit here?

Person 2: Sure...

Person 1, says fake sweet again: Thank You, Person 2

Person 3: When were you allowed to call them Person 2, after you tried to kill them & me? (Muttered)

Person 2 Elbows Person 3, they wince slightly and they shoot daggers at them.

Person 2 Mutters to Person 3: Play nice

Person 3 mutters back: I am playing nice, I haven't cursed them yet


Be at peace with yourself.

Only then will you be able to bring peace to others.

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