Chapter 1: Summer Job

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I grabbed my keys while simultaneously shrugging on my denim jacket.

My stepmom had been begging me all month to get a job and just so she could get off my back I applied to the job closest to my apartment complex. It was at a hotel.
Venice Cove Hotel. The name was a bit misleading seeing as we were nowhere near Venice. I lived in a small town in Delaware.

I entered the hotel and i could see why I was getting paid 20$ an hour. The place was luxurious for this small town. I scoffed. "Gentrification" I mumbled under my breath as I looked back at my run down apartment building.

"Hi, I'm sydney. Welcome to Venice Cove. How may I assist you?" the girl at the front desk yelled.

I made a face. It was 7am why was she so peppy.

"Um yeah I'm supposed to start working today". I opened my denim jacket revealing the uniform identical to hers that I had received in the mail a few days ago.

"about fucking time I get some help around her" she dropped her peppy facade and rolled her eyes.

I chuckled. As I walked closer she was kinda cute. Asian long hair, cute face. This job was getting more exciting by the second.

I stepped behind the counter with her. She blushed. I smirked, she was feeling me.

"Glad I could help out" I said. She smiled and dove into my training. She taught everything and gave me some tips and tricks. This job was gonna be easy.

Although I was excited about this job, this is not how my summer was supposed to go. I'm a freshman in college I'm supposed to be partying till next semester. Sadly, that can't happen. Everyone got kicked off campus for remodeling and decided to go to god knows where for vacation.

I'm sure i'm the only one not vacationing due to the fact that I was poor. I got into the college on a full ride scholarship. Everyone else had daddy's money to get them in. I'm not complaining tho, I have a place to stay and food to eat and clothes to wear.

The little money I had was from my half deadbeat father who found out I was going to college and assumed I was there to be a D1 athlete. He sends me money every month and promises to come to one of my non existent games. I hope no one tells him i'm an art major.

I left the hotel around 5:00 due to it being a slow day. I waved bye to Sydney as i grabbed my coat and headed out the door heading home.


I opened the door to my apartment and threw myself on the couch. The worst part of the job was standing up all day. I turned on my huge TV my dad sent that looked too fancy to be in my gross apartment. I turned to a random chanel and headed to shower. I liked leaving on the TV it gave me a sense of comfort in this lonely ass apartment.

After my shower i slipped into some boxers and slid under my covers. Grabbing my phone m, I opened instagram. I rolled my eyes at the sight of every girls story being a repost from TheShaderoom saying Sin was spotted at the delaware airport.

Sin was a famous singer. I hated him. He was a pretty, rich boy who was full of himself. It was like he became popular overnight. One minute everyone is in love with Micheal B Jordan and the next minute it's Sin.

I set my alarm and rolled over hoping Sin would leave Delaware.


whew first chapter done!!

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