Chapter 6: Date

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A/N: Just for a visual this is how i imagine the hotel room. Feel free to imagine something different. Thanks for 100 reads!!

I've been hanging out in Sin's hotel room these past few days and honestly it's pretty chill. I get paid to sit and watch TV with my feet up in a hotel room I could never afford and when i'm hungry I take the singer to some restaurant in town and he pays me again. Sydney doesn't even trip over my absence since she gets to talk nasty to her boyfriend at the front desk without my prying ears.

"Oh shit, my bad". I said as I entered the room.

I had just pushed open the unlocked door to Sin's hotel room since he wasn't answering my knocks. I was just in time to see him stepping out the shower with a towel around his waist. My eyes immediately went to the tattoos across his chest and arms and the shiny white gold chain reflecting off his skin. I quickly turned around facing the door I just entered from and I heard a deep laugh behind me.

"You can turn around, Jelani, we both dudes"

"Yeah that statement would be fine if you weren't gay nigga" I snapped.

He laughed again and I heard rustling behind me.

"Alright, you can turn around forreal"

I turned around to see him fully dressed and i walked further into the room and set down the extra towels and other shit he had asked me to bring up. Sin loves to call down at the front desk to get me to bring up stuff he doesn't need. It was annoying as hell but I had to remember I worked here.

I sat down on the couch like I owned the place and grabbed the remote and turned on Money Heist.

"So what we doing today, bud?" He said sitting down next to me on the couch and slinging a tattooed arm around my shoulder.

" Nyla and her fine ass friend Kapri are coming to visit so we gonna hang out downtown at this club. You can come if you want but i don't known how you gon' hide your face in a club" I said not even minding the warm arm around my neck.

"Yea i wanna come, I never make public appearances my ma would be happy. And id get to see my girl Nyla" he said staring at me with a smile that made me feel a way.

I mushed his face away realizing how close we were and I stood up from the couch.

"Nyla would love that, she would love to meet you in person" I had already told him about his number one fan and they've met on facetime. It honestly made me view Sin differently the way he smiled and talked to Nyla while she screamed about how much she loves him and his music as if they'd been best friends forever. Nyla been begging me to tell her what Sin smells like cus shes a creep but now she can find out for herself.

"Everyone wants to meet me in person" he said conceitedly.

"They won't want to when I tell them how much of a dick you are"

"I can show you a di-"

I punched his head as hard as I could with my bony hand, letting all the annoyance ive had for him these past through days go into the punch.

And of course his hard-headed ass just laughed and made no movement indicating my punch hurt at all. I smacked my teeth and headed toward the door of the hotel room to finish off my shift.

"Pick me up at 8 so we can head to the club" I shouted behind me as I walked through the door.

"Its a date" he yelled back and i resisted the urge to walk back in there and punch him in his throat.


I got dressed in black jeans, a black t-shirt , my chain, and my black cat jordans  and shoved my wallet in my pocket. I sprayed on my cologne, Sin had got it for me yesterday at the mall. He had picked it up and said some gay shit like "the scent compliments your skin". I wasn't wearing it for him tho of course I was wearing it for Kapri. I picked up my phone off the charger and saw a text from Sin and Nyla.

iMessage from dickhead 10min ago: im outside, be quick or i'll leave your ass I hate being late.

iMessage from nyla<3 10min ago: where the fuck you at ugly? I thought we were meeting here at 8.


I ran down the stairs since my apartments elevators were broken and headed into the parking lot knowing Sin wasn't serious about leaving me. I spotted his car and hurriedly slid into the passenger seat.

I looked over at him and he looked good. No homo of course. He was wearing an outfit almost identical to mine but somehow managed to make it look like a million bucks. I looked up at his face to see him smiling down at his phone with a wide grin id never seen before he seemed like he didn't even know I was in the car.

"Why you smiling like that? I didn't text you" I said jokingly. His fruity jokes were rubbing off on me.

"My bad. Didn't mean to make you jealous Lani"He said and shoved his phone into the cupholder giving me his full attention.

"What did i tell you about calling me that. I don't like nicknames".

I was named after my mom her name was Lani Jay Carter. She was my best friend before she died. My idiot father moved on and married some white chick not even 3 months after she passed and him and my "step-mom" would always call me "jay" or "lani". I hated it. It made me feel like they were disrespecting my mom somehow and which is why I came bak to Delaware. I wanted to start over but I cant escape my fathers money or the nicknames.

I could feel Sin looking at me, concerned about how defensive I just got over a simple nickname.

I know it was a dumb thing to get mad over and I didn't want it to sour the mood of the car ride.

"Stop looking at me like that and drive, bighead, we late."

He gave me another quick look as if to say you sure you alright? then after a moment he pulled out of the parking space and headed to Club Halo.

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