Chapter 13: Interview

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Sin Pov:

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes and I quickly put on some sweats over the naked body I slept in.

I went downstairs to see Emea and my mom cooking. I was back in my childhood home in LA and everything felt at peace. So why was I in such a shitty mood?

It definitely has something to do with me seeing Jelani at the hospital yesterday. I was tipsy and I told him that the time we spent together was just me having fun. That was true but it was much more. I felt like opening up to him and laying down with him to tell him everything.

My mom knew I was gay yet here she was forcing me and Emea together. Emea turned around to see me and smirked at my bare chest which made me immediately regret not covering up.

She threw her hands around my neck and kissed me on my check earning her a push.

We were a couple for show. Our publicity rates were through the roof when we announced our relationship and it was strictly that. we only had to be lovey dovey in front of the paparazzi so i don't know why she was kissing on me in my house.

I walked over to kiss my mom on her cheek and grabbed the plate she held out for me to take.

Before I could even take my first bite of my pancake my mom had already flipped from mommy to manager.

"You have an interview with E! at three, you have to call Drake at 6, then art gallery performance at 8 and release your song at midnight. Gonna be a fun day!"

Fun day my ass.

I just wanted to talk to Jelani i didn't want our friendship to end with him thinking i was playing with his feelings. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

To Lani: can we talk? i was drinking henny at the hospital. I didn't mean that shit

Eméa grabbed my phone as I hit sent and i watched as she blocked and deleted his contact just as she had done with his insta.

When I landed in LA and our relationship began she went from innocent humble actress to toxic princess bitch. She went through my phone at the studio and saw pics of me and Jelani together. I dont know if she knew I was gay but Jay was definitely a threat to her.

I snatched my phone out of her hand and tried my hardest not to punch her. I only had to deal with her for a few more months before we could break up for another publicity spike. Then my mom planned for me to release some heartbreak music to seal the deal.

I headed to the shower and tried to let the water wash away my bad thoughts. I never wanted to be famous. I wanted to be one of those cool underground artists where all your fans know you personally and enjoyed the meaning behind your music. I never wanted to be on radios and TVs.

My mom had done so much to support my music career. Before the fame she worked at a bank and could barely afford my tuition but she still sent me money for any equipment I needed.She believed in me when no one else did. She stepped in for my fathers absence and became everything i needed. If she hadn't forced me to perform at a local bar where she had gotten me a gig i would never have met Gio who signed me to my very first record label. Although I wasn't singing the music I wanted and I wasn't living life how I planned I didn't care because my mom worked so hard for us and I'd do anything to see her happy face as I perform in countries she's never been before.

I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I began doing my bathroom routine as Eméa walked in and tried to seduce me by slipping out of her clothes and underwear. I completely ignored her as I walked out and got dressed for my Interview.


"Welcome viewers and thank you for turning into E! News. Today we have special guest Sin True."

I took a deep breath as the camera panned to me. Although I wasn't scared of speaking in public I was definitely terrified of a camera. You never know who is watching. He could be watching.

I gave my signature wave and wide smile at the camera suddenly motivated by the thought that he could be watching me.

"Let's jump right in how is it going with supermodel and actress Eméa Mars? You guys seem to be a hot topic these days"

Fuck he's not gonna like this answer.

"We're great. I love that girl. She supports my music and she's loyal that's the only two things I ever ask for in a relationship" I threw in a grin to make it more believable.

The interviewer nodded and glanced down at her card for the next question.

"We've heard many times about your mom and manager Tamara True. Tell us... what is it really like having your mom as your manager?"

"It's wonderful. I couldn't think of anyone i'd rather have by my side as i make all these major milestones and shit"

"My bad can I curse in TV?" The interviewer and the audience laughed.

"You really are a sinner aren't you? Moving on, can you tell us about your recent escape to Delaware?"

"I would actually like to apologize for all the drama that trip caused. I know my fans were restless when they heard I was missing but to be honest even us singers get tired. that's all it was... a break. I met some cool people and would go back again in a heart beat."

"Ugh we love the transparency we are seeing from you. Our last question for you is what are your upcoming music plans?"

"I'm glad you ask. Be on the lookout for some new music dropping at midnight" I sent a wink to the camera.

"That's all we have time for folks. Tune in next week for a new interview with your favorite drummer, Angel!"

I got up from the interview chair a released a breath. I thanked Brittney, the reporter, before heading out to my car where my mom was waiting.

I hope he was watching.

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