Chapter 16:

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Jelani's POV:

It's been twenty four hours since the picture was posted. It has thousands of likes on twitter and was posted to the shaderoom. Everyone has been trying to find what mystery man "turned" Sin gay.

I've been on edge all day. Anyone who was at the gallery that night could probably identify me by my suit and rings since only my face was blurred. So far i've only received texts from Harlem asking if I was all right, i'm sure he figured out it was me in that picture and being harassed by Nyla to update her on everything and anything.

My anxiety was through the roof. At any moment twitter detectives would unblur, research, dox, do anything to find me and tear me to shreds. There was so much homophobia in the rap community and his male fans were gonna be livid and maybe even his female fans who were delusional enough to think they had a chance.

I tried to calm myself down. I had woken up to Cambria shoving her phone in my face. On one hand I knew she loved the drama and was floating on cloud 9 because she knew someone everyone else didn't know. But on the other hand somewhere in her cold shriveled heart she felt bad for me. We had had a late night deep convo about sexuality, she had revealed to me that she was bisexual and I told her I was straight that this nigga just putting confusing thoughts in my head. It was the most we've talked since we met and so realized we had more in common than i thought. We were both one parent children who found themselves lost as their parents remarried and we were the only ones who truly understood eachother.

"Are you okay? What are you gonna do?" She said laying next to me on the bed.

"I don't know what I should do"

She sat up fast and stared with an evil glint in her eye.

"You know you could get infront of this. Sell your story to an outlet before they get to you." She was standing now. Pacing. Her mind was working a mile a minute.

For a rich teenage  girls she did think a lot about how to make a quick buck.

"Absolutely fucking not" I said getting up and getting dressed. "I would not only be hurting Sin for putting his business out there but did  you stop to think about his girlfriend, who I met, who will be mad as fuck if she finds this out"

"Oh please, she probably already knows it's all a publicity stunt" She said flicking her hand.

" You don't know that they could really be in love" . I yelled from the bathroom as I brush my teeth and spray some water into my locs before throwing them into a ponytail.

I could see her rolling her eyes as she stood behind me in the mirror.

"We have to do something."

"Cam. No. Leave it alone. Cus if my dad finds out about this I might be dead." I sprayed on my cologne and applied some deodorant to my pits while moving around Cambria who was taking up space with her plotting and scheming.

I had tried to reach out to Sin to see if he was ok with this all but as usual he sends a message and when I go to respond i'm blocked. I was tired of this. Tired of the stress.

I headed downstairs to see Stacey and my dad cooking breakfast. It broke my heart a lil every morning knowing my dad was actually a good dad. I just think when my mom died he couldn't give his all to his son who looked just like his first love. Nevertheless I sat down and ate the chicken and waffles they prepared.

"Have you guys heard of the Sin thing. It's all over my facebook" Stacy said as she picked apart her chicken with a knife and fork.

"Fucking disgusting knowing they were doing that in the same art gallery where we were. Couldn't keep the gay shit till he got home" my dad mumbled angrily as he tapped away on his laptop.

Stacy slapped the back of his bald head before glancing at me apologetically.

Why did she look apologetic? Did she fucking know? did Cambria open her fucking mouth?

I balled my fists up before continuing to eat.

"So Jay, I have some exciting news since your first painting did so well the gallery agreed to allow you to intern and place a painting in the art shows they hold once a week"Stacy said smiling ear to ear practically bouncing in her seat.

"Woah. Really? That's insane the money I would make" I had tears floating in my eyes

"Yep the money the opportunity. Maybe you would consider  transferring to a college near us. you know I have plenty connections at USC, UCLA, and they have great sports teams..."

I cut my dad off from his silly sentence and I ran over to Stacey and gave her the first true hug i'd giving her since we met. She almost toppled over from my height and surprise but she immediately hugged me back as if she'd been needing this hug.

I had never had this kind of opportunity. If i stayed in delaware it would have taken me years on my own to find a good internship let alone get any recognition in a gallery. My mom was the one who always believed in me and knowing there were people alive that could see in me what my mom saw in me made me overwhelmingly happy. I had never had the best relationsomhip with my dad but I could stay here in LA,my home, attend my moms Alma Mater, graduate with a degree in art I would be so happy.

Suddenly I wasn't thinking about sexuality, about Sin, about fucking delaware, I was just happy. I pulled away from  Stacey and ran upstairs to tell Nyla the news.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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