Chapter 15: Delusional

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Sin Pov:

"What the fuck is this Sin?" My mom said throwing her ipad onto the pillow next to me startling me out of my sleep. On the screen was a picture taken from above of me and Jelani basically hugging in the bathroom stall.

I sat up and rubbed at my temples preparing for the storm that was my mother. I looked at my phone and it was 6am.

"Baby you know i love and support you but, this is unacceptable. Do you have any idea what will happen when the public get a hold of this?"

"It's not posted yet?"

"No, I received this from an anonymous email earlier I've been up since 3 am calling and shit telling them to not publish it if they wanted to keep their jobs"

"Thanks" I sighed.

Last night was hell.

I had showed up to the gallery with no expectations to see Jelani.

But there he was in all his glory standing next to Harlem.

I met Harlem a while back when I was in London. He was a businessman anything relating to business i called him up for help.

I don't know what games Jelani was trying to play rubbing all up on Harlem but i wouldn't hesitate to ruin both of their lives.

I thought he would be happy that I bought his painting but of course that little hot head got mad.

Our little talk in te bathroom was not supposed to be anything more than a talk. The picture made it look like we had just got done sucking each others dicks.

When we had heard the camera click Jelani and his homophobic instincts kicked in and pushed me against the stall wall leaving a big bruise on my shoulder. That man is skinny as fuck but he sure knows how to make people feel pain.

I had to grab him to stop him from beating the tiny lady reporter up.

She was about 4'11 with her camera around her neck staring at us wide eyed like she had just seen God. She had a smile and a blush as she pointed the camera at us.

"We have a meeting with the lawyer in about 20 minutes. That fucking bitch of a reporter said she doesn't want money she wants to post it weather through the news or through her personal social media". My mom clapped at my face regaining my attention and throwing clothes at me to get dressed into.

Now I was starting to panic.

This was always the problem with my mom she never tried to fix problems with her words she always turned to money and lawyers.

But what if this time that doesn't work?

I needed to text Jelani and prepare him for what is about to go down.

I opened my phone and scrolled praying he hadn't blocked me after last night.

To Jay :) : I'm really sorry about last night and i'm sorry about what's going to happen to you. We can't get the reporter to delete the picture so very soon im going to lose some fans and you're gonna get some hate. I'm really sorry I didn't mean for this to happen.


When we arrived at the meeting it was clear to see why this little reporter, Delilah, was so adamant on posting these pictures.

"You shouldn't have to hide who you love" .Was what she said when my mom asked if she was mentally ill.

"I don't love him" I said honestly.

"But if you did you shouldn't have to hide" She argued back.

"Ok listen Delusional, you took a picture of me arguing with a man in a bathroom stall. Bottom line here is you are a creep and—". The lawyer raised his hand to stop my rant.

"There is no written law against Ms. Porter being in the male bathroom or taking a picture inside of it as long as said picture did not include nudity." The lawyer stated boredley.

"Isn't there some law about my privacy?" I was getting heated now.

"I'm afraid not. You are a celebrity these things happen. You don't think Kim K probably tried to get her sex tape taken down?" He chuckled as if it was some kind of joke.

I turned to Delusional Delilah, "Ok since i can't stop you can you at least do me a favor. Can you please blur the face of the other person and delete the original. He is not a celebrity I don't want him being harassed because of my actions" I glared at her emphasizing the fact that this wasn't a question but a command.

She nodded.

"I know you think you're doing something heroic or some shit but this will make your life hell. You think my fans won't be mad at the lady who tried to ruin my image? They will find you and tear you apart."

I smiled, satisfied, when she took a gulp and wiped her palms against her jeans.

I looked over at my mom who had her head held in her hands and always clearly not happy with the turn of events.

Not even a second later I felt vibrations in my back pocket.
I clicked on one of the twitter notifications and there in clear view was me caressing a man in a bathroom stall. Jelani's face was blurred thankfully.

I looked up at the bitch. "Are you serious? The meeting literally just ended."

She didn't respond and just grabbed her tote bag and disappeared.

I had to disable my notifications on all platforms praying another celebrity will fuck up in the next 24 hours so people can get over this cus I sure as hell wasn't gonna give them a response.

I hope Jelani is thankful that I did my best to hide his identity.

A/N: Im so lazy sorry y'all. I'm in Jamaica rn hopefully I get some inspiration so i can update more!!

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