This Isn't The End

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Brandon's Point of View

I held Nikki's hand and felt the warmth from her run through me. Despite all the things we've been through, all the things she's been through, we've stayed together.

I tell the girls the first part of the story in the principal's office, and Nikki continues for me, squeezing my hand the entire way. How many times have we done that today? I chuckle to myself quietly, thinking if how sore our hands will be if we continue doing this.

I look at Nikki and smile softly. She is so amazing. She's trustworthy, beautiful, and kind.

She won't leave me, not now. Not ever. I'm not leaving her. I was so scared I was going to be expelled from school, and would never see Nikki's beautiful face again. I would lose her.

I have already lost enough people in my life. I can't imagine the pain of losing Nikki, too. When you lose so many people in your life, the pain is already so deep it's like reopening wounds.

I remember the first time I talked to her. She was covered in lunch, but hey, she turned out to be awesome, right? I talked to her in the library, and her art was beautiful. So was she, but I couldn't say that to her face.

And the time in the rain. I felt so bad about her painting being crushed afterwards, I wanted to help her win the competition. She ended up winning, and I eventually asked her to the Halloween Dance.

I remember seeing her in the Juliet costume, and thinking about how beautiful she was, but I couldn't say the words, so I just said her costume looked cool. Man, that was lame. I was so nervous about that. Even though the night was all jumbled, it turned out to be awesome.

We started the band, and I was SO close to getting the guts to kiss her. She was so cute singing, and it was so cool that we went big. She played drums with me afterwards.

And then the night she saved Fuzzy Friends, I was so happy. I was nervous when I gave her roses at the competition, and hugged her in all the panic and excitement. I blushed, but I prayed she didn't notice. I went skating on the rink with her afterwards.

At my birthday party, I was sad we didn't talk much, but she gave me a great present that led to us going to Crazy Burger together. I was so nervous that day. She asked me to the dance that day, and my heart pounded when I said yes. When I got home, I yelled yes so much my grandmother had the funniest look on her face.

Then the listening party happened, where I kissed Nikki. When I got into the line, my heart was pounding furiously, I was afraid she would hear my heart as I kissed her lips.

After that, the romance between us grew immensely. It's amazing how far we've come. I'm glad I met Nikki.

Someday, I'll tell her where I really live.
How I really got where I am. I'll tell her really soon. My heart pounds at the nervousness of telling her, but I know deep down she won't be upset or disappointed.

This isn't the end. Then again, is that bad or good? I guess it depends on what situation your thinking about.....

I space out, staring at Nikki, and snap out of it as Nikki waves her hand in front of my face.

Nikki: "Brandon? Hello?"

Brandon: "I'm alive!"

I cringe inwardly. I....feel stupid. Ah....who cares. Chloe and Zoey giggle.

Chloe: "Dude, come back to Earth."

Zoey: "How the hell are you so happy? Man, you two are awesome. I'm so lonely...."

Chloe sighs and pats Zoey's shoulder as she sulks for a few seconds. Nikki chuckles and gives Zoey a hug.

Nikki: "Don't worry. I'm sure you-know-who will ask you out soon. He was looking at you the other day."

Zoey blushes and looks down. Nikki and Chloe giggle. I roll my eyes. Girls and their weird antics.

Chloe: "Well, even though you guys may get in trouble, at least you didn't leave us."

Zoey: "We're so glad that you guys are staying. Although we could've of gone without Mackenzie........."

We smile.

Mackenzie was annoying. She's been hitting on me for years. I tried to make it clear we were just acquaintances, but every time we crossed paths, she would flirt with me.

She wasn't a bad person necessarily, she just made bad decisions. I wonder how long it's going to take before she finally learns her lesson.

She never seems to stop trying, so I doubt it's going to be easy for whoever tries to turn Mackenzie around.

Nikki: "We'll have to wait awhile until the Principal alerts us when he's checked the video feed, so let's just go home and wait until next time."

Chloe and Zoey nodded. They link arms with Nikki, Chloe on her left and Zoey on her right. Chloe looks back at me and grins. She starts walking and speaks to me.

Chloe: "Let's walk outside together. Come one Brandon."

I jog after them, and slow to a walk next to them. We walk out of the exit and sit on a bench outside.

Zoey: "Chloe and I are gonna call our parents. You guys can go ahead if you want."

I nod and look at Nikki, who's saying good bye to Chloe. She looks to Zoey and says good bye and approaches me.

Nikki: "Let's go home. It's been a long day."

I smiled and laughed. I linked arms with her. I puffed up my chest and chuckled. I looked to her with my chest puffed up.

Brandon: "Shall we go, milady?"

Nikki: "Yes, let us go."

She started walking and heading home. I dropped her off first, heading by her house. We stop at her doorstep and and she looks at me.

Nikki: "We should really stop by your house more, Brandon. You make me feel bad when we always walk to my house first."

I look away and cough nervously. She just smiles and shakes her head. She brings her lips close to my ear. She whispers softly into my ear:

Nikki: "Whenever you're ready, I'm here."

My eyes widen and I look at her. She kisses my cheek and opens her door, leaving me at her doorstep. She walks inside, but doesn't close the door. She peeks her head out the door and smiles.

Nikki: "See you soon, love you."

I try desperately to grasp what just happened and move on.

Brandon: "I love you too, Nikki."

She chuckles and closes the door silently, with only a single click as she walks away.

I know I shouldn't be worrying about her knowing about my past, but I chat help it. I shouldn't like more burdens on my shoulders along with the waiting for the video feed, but as I walk down from her doorstep, I walk with what seems like a million questions on my mind:

Does she know about it?
Does she want me to tell her?
Does she know where I live?
Does she already know Betty is my grandmother?

And finally....

If she does know, why hasn't she said anything?

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