The Confession (Continued)

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Brandon's Point Of View

I can't believe what just happened. I'm still standing here in the hall, in a daze over what I just had just happened. Nikki. Just. Kissed. My. Cheek. I could feel myself turning crimson when I ran over the memories of a few seconds ago. I can still hear my heart pounding in my chest. Not only did Nikki kiss me, but she also agreed to meet me tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow was the big day. I was going to confess to her. The confidence I really needed had just been given to me.

To be honest, I've liked Nikki for a long time now, but I've never really had the courage to tell her. I never knew whether or not she liked me, and was never really confident enough to try to find out. Then the listening party happened, when I kissed Nikki. I still can't believe I did that, by the way...I find myself smiling just thinking about it... I decided that I was going to tell her about my feelings for her and just let all my nervousness fade away.

I'm still afraid it might end badly, like the newspaper report from Miss Know It All said it might happen. I bring my hand up to the spot Nikki kissed me instinctively as I walk back to my class from my break.

I smile and can't wait to see Nikki tomorrow afternoon at Fuzzy Friends. I walk into class, and hand my pass back to the teacher. She scolds me a little for taking too long but lets me go with a warning.

I walk back to my desk and having already finished my work, I bring out my scrapbook that Nikki had given me for the holidays. I had already put some pictures in it. I flipped through the pictures of me and Nikki hanging out together. I smile and start thinking about her. I guess I really did fall hard for Nikki. I hope she's really okay.

I don't see Nikki for the rest of the day. She probably went home. I walk at a steady pace down the halls. This is my last class, and then I can go home. As I'm walking, however, I come across Mackenzie and her friend, I thin her names Jessica, and she comes up to me.

Mackenzie: "Oh hi Brandon. Fancy seeing you. I've actually been meaning to ask you something." Mackenzie says this while twirling her hair around her finger and obviously trying to hypnotize me.

Brandon: "Oh, and what is it that you supposedly want to tell me?" I say this sarcastically, but she ends up taking me seriously anyways.

Mackenzie: "Wanna go out Saturday? We can go to this really amazing four-star restaurant that recently opened up."

Brandon: "Sorry, Mackenzie, but I can't."

Before Mackenzie can protest, I'm already running off to class. I quickly sit down at my desk as I walk in the room with only seconds to spare. I sit down and pull out my books.
~~~~~~~~~~after school~~~~~~~~~
I walk home to Fuzzy Friends and greet my grandmother. We both smile and talk about how our day went and what we did. I decided to tell her I was going out to play with the dogs outside. I walked then heard my grandmother shouting.

Brandon's Grandmother/Betty: "Give them water and food while you're at it, okay Brandon!"

Brandon: "Okay, I'll make sure to do that too!" I yell back at her.

I get the dogs food and water and set the food out for them to eat. I fill their water bowls up to the brim and set each one down accordingly. Mission accomplished. I pump my fist in the air victoriously. I laugh at myself for a moment and sit down on the grass. A small black terroir called Ares comes towards me, obviously having finished his meal. He jumps in my lap and looks up at me expectantly. I smile and pet him for awhile, looking in the distance for a second, thinking of confessing to Nikki tomorrow.

All I can hope for is that it goes without a hitch. I look back down at the dog.

Brandon: "Wish me luck, Ares."

The dog seemed to smile as if he was wishing me luck. I look up at the sky, thinking only of her....

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